On Tue, Feb 05, 2013 at 07:57:58PM -0600, Yaakov wrote:
>On Tue, 5 Feb 2013 13:00:43 -0500, Christopher Faylor wrote:
>> Because it is taking space on the web site and on sourceware.org and
>> there is no good reason for it to be offered anymore.  If there are
>> virtual machines running ME then, if they haven't installed Cygwin 1.5
>> by now, there is no reason to assume that they will need it.
>> Additionally, except for setup.exe, there have been no bug fixes or
>> security fixes in 1.5 so we're offering buggy, insecure software on our
>> site.
>Which, in and of itself, is reason to drop it.  FWIW, I deleted legacy
>files from Ports a few months ago without complaint. 

Also, FWIW, it looks like setup-legacy was downloaded 14 times in the
last year.  I think that's a pretty good indication that it isn't
very popular.


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