On 3/22/2013 12:39 PM, d. henman wrote:
Marco, thanks for the direction. ($ cygrunsrv.exe -S cygserver )

I might have tried $ cygrunsrv -s server   (without the cyg prefix)

According to: /usr/share/doc/Cygwin/postgresql.README
   " cygrunsrv is not required anymore, pg_ctl has now the service
functions included.
      cygserver must run as service, CYGWIN must contain server."

I will look on the documentation;
I have not reviewed it for 9.x series as busy fighting other
serious issues

That phrase "cygrunsrv is not required anymore"  threw me off.
So the above is wrong in that it is needed to start cygserver.
And the environment variable CYGWIN needs to contain the text, "server" in it.

I'll try that.


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