On Mar 29 21:54, Thomas Wolff wrote:
> Am 29.03.2013 15:43, schrieb Corinna Vinschen:
> >Ok, so your linkdir is apparently '/'.  That's not good here since it leads 
> >to the leading double slash.
> as I tested, linkdir is actually *not* "/" but rather empty, so the
> path names involved should be e.g. /xmined, not //xmined. Still
> mysterious.
> Furthermore, the suffix $(EXE) seems to be needed for the problem to occur.
> Simplified test case: the following makefile hangs in cygwin64 but
> not in cygwin32:
> all:
>         echo x$(linkdir)y
> links:  $(linkdir)/xmined$(EXE)

I can (kind of) reproduce that.  On my machine it hangs about 2 or 3
seconds.  It appears to be a difference between the 3.82 make I used to
build the 64 bin make and the 3.82.90 version cgf used to build the 32
bin make.  It looks like make 3.82 evaluates dependencies, even if the
rule is not reached by the requested make target.  This in itself is
just an annoyance, not a real problem, but apparently make-3.82 also
tends to prepend the leading slash for no good reason.  Both problems
seem to be fixed in 3.82.90.

For some reason I can't find an official source archive for this
version, not even on alpha.gnu.org.  So I just used cgf.s 3.82.90
sources and built a new cygport-based make-3.82.90-1 for 64 bit.
Please give it a try.


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Maintainer                 cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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