Yaakov (Cygwin/X) writes:
>> The problem wasn't really downloading the patches.  The patch format
>> does not apply with the options that cygport tries, so you'll have to
>> apply it manually still.
> Only 'allpatches' doesn't apply; the individual ones do sequentially.

Let me try again, but they didn't when I tried yesterday, but I was
admittedly in a bit of a hurry and may have overlooked something.

> Unfortunately we don't have consistent naming convention, but a -doc
> package would be preferred IMO.

I'll make it so, then.

Could you (or anyone else) make a suggestion for a package naming
convention?  WITH the 64bit distribution looming I'd think that effort
would be well spent.  Thanks.

+<[Q+ Matrix-12 WAVE#46+305 Neuron microQkb Andromeda XTk Blofeld]>+

Wavetables for the Waldorf Blofeld:

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