> Please verify that you actually have mingw64-i686 installed. Telling us
> what you have done doesn't really help. We need to know what's on your
> system.
> http://cygwin.com/problems.html

I do not see any single mingw64-i686 package...

Does the following represent what you are talking about?

mingw64-i686-binutils                     2.22.52-1                        OK
mingw64-i686-bzip2                        1.0.6-2                          OK
mingw64-i686-gcc                          4.5.3-6                          OK
mingw64-i686-gcc-ada                      4.5.3-6                          OK
mingw64-i686-gcc-core                     4.5.3-6                          OK
mingw64-i686-gcc-fortran                  4.5.3-6                          OK
mingw64-i686-gcc-g++                      4.5.3-6                          OK
mingw64-i686-gcc-objc                     4.5.3-6                          OK
mingw64-i686-headers                      3.0b_svn5747-1                   OK
mingw64-i686-libgcrypt                    1.5.1-1                          OK
mingw64-i686-libgpg-error                 1.11-1                           OK
mingw64-i686-minizip                      1.2.8-1                          OK
mingw64-i686-pthreads                     20100619-4                       OK
mingw64-i686-runtime                      3.0b_svn5747-1                   OK
mingw64-i686-runtime-debuginfo            3.0b_svn5747-1                   OK
mingw64-i686-xz                           5.0.4-1                          OK
mingw64-i686-zlib                         1.2.8-1                          OK

If those are what you are referring to, and are correct versions, what next?

If not, then where do I find/obtain what you are referring to?  (I had already 
done an install requesting everything.)


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