Hi maintainers,
from the list Yaakov generated today, I created another list of missing packages sorted by maintainer (first name). That gives you an easy overview what's missing and which of those packages are yours. It's not a very long list, actually. It would be very nice if you could have a look if some of your packages are still missing and build them as time permits. Alternatively, if you think a package doesn't have to be rebuilt for 64 bit (Chuck's older automake versions come to mind), just say the word and I remove them from the list. The list is also available online at http://cygwin.com/cygwin-64bit-missing. I'll keep it up-to-date as new packages arrive. ORPHANED aewm++ aewm++-goodies brltty bsdiff bsflite ccdoc cramfs distcc editrights ioperm jgraph libusb-1.0 libusb-win32 lyx mtd naim nfs-server ninvaders pal par pdksh pinfo ping tnef whois xgraph xmon Unknown maintainer perl-clone Aaron Schneider pv Achim Gratz ucl upx Andrew Schulman lablgtk2 lftp orpie ploticus sng unison Charles Wilson alternatives automake1.5 automake1.6 automake1.7 automake1.8 inetutils libAfterImage libassuan libgeotiff libksba libtirpc login mingw-libgcrypt mingw-libgpg-error mingw-xz nfrotz p7zip pinentry proj pth rpcgen rsh rxvt ssmtp sunrpc tack xerces-c xinetd xpm-nox xsri Chris January procps Chris Sutcliffe astyle hexedit libtorrent rtorrent wtf Christian Franke cdrkit ddrescue grub hdparm isomaster ncdu Christopher Faylor ccache ed mutt rpm time Corinna Vinschen swi-prolog Damien Doligez ocaml David Levine nmh David Rothenberger pdftk Dr. Volker Zell xemacs Eric Blake cppi patchutils xdelta Federico Hernandez task Jan Nieuwenhuizen lilypond Jari Aalto abook afio annoyance-filter antiword apng2gif apngasm apngdis apngopt apngtools arc arj aview bcrypt bmp2png bool boxes bvi cccc cdargs cfourcc chkconfig corkscrew cscope ctorrent delta deroff dhttpd dog duff epstool fcrackzip fdupes figlet flip flog fossil geoip gif2apng git-oodiff greed httping httptunnel ifile ii indent integrit iprint iselect jlint joe kgb lcab links lv lzop mairix micro-httpd mmv most msmtp ncftp newmail nrss nttcp odt2txt ogmtools oodiff optipng outguess pax pngcheck pngcrush pngquant posh potrace pristine-tar pscan pstotext pwgen qiv qsf rats rc readpst renameutils renattach rtf2html-htdig rxp rzip sgrep shed sic since spamoracle splint steghide suck sudoku symlinks tig tinyirc tirc tnftp tree ttcp unace unalz unifdef unrtf untex vfu wcd wdiff wiggle wput xlhtml xloadimage xtail ytree zoo zsync Jason Tishler fetchmail procmail proftpd Jon Turney libxcwm xlaunch xtow xview Jon Y gendef libmangle lzip lziprecover Jorge Díaz varnish Klaus Grue logiweb Kostya Altukhov connect-proxy gaffitter irssi pure-ftpd Marco Atzeri netcdf octave-forge texmacs Mark O'Keefe amanda Michael McTernan mscgen Mike White iperf Nathan Thern chicken Peter A. Castro suite3270 Peter Li gnucap pbzip2 Pierre A. Humblet cron dmalloc exim Reini Urban catdoc clamav clisp ctris fcgi ffcall libsigsegv libtextcat mathomatic mosh parrot perl-io-tty perl-libwin32 perl-win32-gui protobuf rakudo scsh tesseract-ocr Roland Cassard xclip Ross Smith II email Serge Lamikhov-Center elfio Steven Monai maradns md5deep ucspi-tcp Stuart Caie cabextract Teun Burgers cgoban gnugo Thomas Wolff algol68g Yaakov S beforelight e2fsimage editres exif flexdll fvwm grace grandr gsm js185 libesmtp libmetalink lighttpd llvm mkcomposecache nspr nss odbc-psql python-twisted sessreg snownews xcb-util-renderutil xfindproxy xwinwm Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes fortune Yue Ren singular HTH, Corinna -- Corinna Vinschen Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to Cygwin Maintainer cygwin AT cygwin DOT com Red Hat