As soon as setup.exe hasn't got an option to uninstall a package along with its 
requirements which have become unused after uninstalling that package, and 
cygcheck utility also does not provide any information on package dependencies 
I have written a bash script to list installed Cygwin packages which are not 
required by any other installed packages (that is package leaves in the 
dependency tree).

Developers usually have many lib*-devel packages installed on their system, 
these packages and others are required only as build dependencies so I think 
this script will be useful primarily for ordinary users who experiment with 
software and want to keep their Cygwin installation clean. They will be able to 
check the list of installed packages for unneeded ones.

I would like to propose this script as a Cygwin package if you appreciate it. 
The name of the script can be changed according to Cygwin policy on the use of 
cyg- prefix for such a type of programs.


category: Utils
requires: bash coreutils sed wget bzip2
sdesc: "List installed Cygwin packages which are not required by any other 
installed packages"



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