Hi Konrad,

thanks for the new package ITP.  Comments inline.

On Oct 28 19:31, Konrad Borowski wrote:
> Hello. I would like to add fish shell to Cygwin. It's already available
> in Ubuntu and Debian. The 2.1.0 adds support for Cygwin, so I assume
> it's good occasion to actually send the package.
>   http://packages.debian.org/search?keywords=fish
>   http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=fish
> This is my first time making package using cygport, so feel free to let
> me know in case something is wrong.
> All files are available at the following location (in both 32-bit and
> 64-bit versions, 32-bit was cross compiled, as I don't have 32-bit
> Windows).

You can install a 32 bit version of Cygwin nevertheless, that's what
we all did before the 64 bit Cygwin version existed.  That allows
users of 64 bit machines to build both, 32 and 64 bit versions natively.

>   http://olive.undo.it/fish/

Would you mind to give us lazy people the full paths to the files
in a way which is easy to use with wget?  Thanks.

> The setup.hint is identical in both versions and looks like this.
> category: Shells
> requires: libgcc1 libiconv2 libintl8 libncursesw10 libstdc++6 python
> libgcc1 libiconv2 libintl8 libncursesw10 libstdc++6 python libncursesw
> libiconv util-linux coreutils

The requires is wrong.  It contains a couple of entries twice.  The
problem is that you added

  REQUIRES="libgcc1 libiconv2 libintl8 libncursesw10 libstdc++6 python \
  libncursesw libiconv util-linux coreutils"

to your cygport file.  REQUIRES should only contain requirements which
are not added automatically by cygport.  There's also no such package
called libncursesw or libiconv.  Something like this seems more

  REQUIRES="util-linux coreutils"

Your setup.hint files are not identical, btw.  Your setup.hint file for
the 32 bit version contains a dependency to cygwin32-gcc-core.  This is
a result of the cross compile and should get manually removed.

Other than that, packaging looks good to me.


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Maintainer                 cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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