Am 10.06.2014 20:25, schrieb Yaakov Selkowitz:
On 2014-06-10 06:46, Thomas Wolff wrote:
On 07.06.2014 01:58, Yaakov Selkowitz wrote:
Please note that we have a new upload system:
Thanks, Yaakov; another few question not (yet) in the FAQ:

- After sending an (updated) SSH key, how long would I have to wait
until access works? (The howto says it's handled automatically but it
doesn't work after 15 min).

This is actually what it says:

Requests are handled manually and are acknowledged publicly in response
to email to the cygwin-apps mailing list.

When you see that ack, then you may upload.
Ah, I was confused by the sentence two paragraphs above "It is read by a program..." so I thought it was fully automatic, sorry. So I'll be patient...
Thanks, Thomas

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