On Mon, Jul 21, 2014 at 08:45:53AM +0100, Adam Dinwoodie wrote:
> > I have been using git 2.0.2 that I built myself for a while now, so I
> > tried this command using my copy. FWIW, the import works just fine with
> > my x86_64 build, but fails with the same messages you get with the i686
> > build.
> That's odd!  I'll try to replicate that myself, but assuming I see the
> same behaviour, that implies there's something going wrong that's
> probably beyond my ability to debug with the time I can spare.
> That said, if the 64-bit version works, and assuming nobody here
> objects, I'll suggest releasing that 2.0.2 build and just highlighting
> the bug in the release email, and suggesting using the 64-bit build for
> folk affected by the bug.
> I'll be back at my own computer later this week, so I should be able to
> rebuild and test properly either this week or next.

Just to update folk: I've bumped to v2.0.4, and everything's working a
lot more nicely.  I've managed CVS imports using both 32-bit and 64-bit,
and I'm in the process of ironing out a few kinks in the test suites
before I'm ready to release.

This definitely feels like the home stretch for getting something ready
to upload and distribute.

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