Hi Achim,

Achim Gratz wrote:
> D. Boland writes:
> >> I still think you should name it differently.  Marco has already mixed
> >> it up with Apache suexec…
> >
> > The idea kind of was to mix it up, so people will know what it does.
> Apache suexec is concerned with running new processes as a different
> user, so both the "su" and the "exec" part of the name make sense.
> Your library is concerned with inserting itself into certain calls to
> swap uid/gid so programs expecting a fixed mapping of some uid/gid to
> certain capabilities (roughly associated with the concept of a root
> user) work without the actual source getting patched on a system where
> those assumptions aren't true.  Looks like different thing to me and
> giving it a different name surely wouldn't hurt.

Ok, got the point. But the "su" part must stay. Because it's the super-user who
needs to be simulated.



Suggestions are welcome...


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