On Oct 14 01:12, Andrew Schulman wrote:
> > On 2014-07-07 20:14, Andrew Schulman wrote:
> > > Yaakov, would you consider adding an 'upload' command to cygport, that
> > > would handle the uploading details?  That would take away the last bit of
> > > manual work in a routine package update.
> > 
> > I'm a bit busy at the moment, but it sounds like a good idea to me.
> I have an implementation of this ready at
> https://github.com/andrex-e-schulman/cygport.  What's new compared to
> upstream git:
> * New upload command (cygport up).

Minor nit:  This should be `cygport upload' to be in line with the
other cygport commands.  Alternatively, cygport could introduce a
two-letter abbreviation scheme, for instance:

  cygport download      ->      cygport dl or (rcs-like) co
  cygport prep          ->      cygport pr
  cygport build         ->      cygport mk or cc
  cygport install       ->      cygport in
  cygport package       ->      cygport pk
  cygport upload        ->      cygport up or (rcs-like) ci


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