On Feb 19 12:19, Ken Brown wrote:
> On 2/19/2015 11:46 AM, Ken Brown wrote:
> >On 2/19/2015 10:43 AM, Reini Urban wrote:
> >>On 02/19/2015 10:38 AM, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> >>>On Feb 18 17:41, Ken Brown wrote:
> >>>Help with basic x86_64 assembler is ok, I did it for Cygwin with help
> >>>from Kai Tietz.
> >>>
> >>>The main difference to Linux you have to look out for is the different
> >>>calling convention and how the registers are used:
> >>>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X86_calling_conventions#Microsoft_x64_calling_convention
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>So the job is typically to rearrange the register usage and to
> >>>account for the only four registers used for the first arguments
> >>>to a function, rather than the 6 registers in the SYSV ABI.
> >>>>I might give it a try at some point, but I'm not highly motivated
> >>>>unless
> >>>>someone who really cares about clisp steps forward to help.  I'll
> >>>>concentrate first on seeing if I can get some 64-bit version of
> >>>>clisp built
> >>>>without ffcall.
> >>Should be doable without.
> >
> >Yes, it seems to be.  So far I've built and am testing a version with no
> >non-default modules, and with the default regexp module disabled.  I had
> >to do the latter because of the gcc problem I encountered while trying
> >to compile regexi.c:
> >
> >    https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=64939
> >
> >The same sort of error occurs with several other modules.
> I tried to test my build by using it to build xindy.  It appeared to work,
> as far as it went, but it didn't go too far because xindy requires the
> regexp module.  So I think I'm stuck until the gcc problem is resolved.

Does it build with the former gcc 4.8.3, by any chance?


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Maintainer                 cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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