On 3/8/2015 8:28 PM, Achim Gratz wrote:
Marco Atzeri writes:

Thank you.

I'm ready for the upload, but there's one thing I don't know how to
handle correctly: I'm obsoleting perl-LWP in favor of perl-libwww-perl
(that's the actual distribution name and it is needed for automated
checking of dependencies via CPAN or MetaCPAN).  Cygport provides an
obsoletion package _inside_ the perl-libwww-perl directory and points to
it as an external source.  I think that upset might be upset when it
finds the existing perl-LWP directory, so how is this obsoletion
supposed to work in reality?  Should I just delete the existing perl-LWP
(I don't think I can delete the directory, though)?

as perl-LWP is a 64bit package required by several other packages,
you can not just drop it.

One possible solution is:

bump perl-LWP with a empty tar
put in setup.hint
 category: _obsolete
 requires: perl-libwww-perl

there are several examples in both the 2 setup.ini.
See file lengths of 32 of xz tar file.

PS: I do not see any perl-libwww-perl directory



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