On Apr 29 08:24, Marco Atzeri wrote:
> Hi,
> This is an update status from Yue Ren and me on the progress to update
> Singular to latest version 4.0.x and port it also to 64bit,
> plus of course remove the obsolete dependencies.
> - new additional packages needed by Singular-4.0.x have been built
>   and  prepared for both 32 and 64 bit one.
>   4ti2, cddlib, flint, ntl are available for test at
>   http://matzeri.altervista.org
>   As they are requirements for Singular I will not run a formal ITP
>   but if someone want to check the packages, feel free to do so.
> - cddlib, flint, ntl are the main one and they passes almost all the
>   tests. I suspect the few failing ones are upstream bugs.
>   4ti2 has failures only on 64bit versions, we need to
>   verify the discrepancies.
> - we have built and packaged a preliminary mono-package version of
>   Singular-4.0.2 from latest git.
>   It is functional but the dynamic module functionality seems
>   incomplete. We are investigating how to overcome it.
> Next actions:
> - Solution for dynamic module
> - Improve Singular "make check" some tests are not properly
>   executed.
> - We need to define the proper sub-package arrangement.
> Starting next week I will proceed with the upload of the
> new packages: 4ti2, cddlib, flint, ntl
> and following the proper Singular packages.

Thanks for the info.


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