On Nov  9 17:54, Mark Geisert wrote:
> Apologies for my continued stumbling around with this.  I'm enough of a
> newbie in several necessary skills that I can't seem to get a handle on
> what's going wrong.
> I had assumed that having sent my "SSH key for upload access", it goes to
> the same location as my original key supplied on the
> sourceware.org/cgi-bin/pdw/ps_form.cgi form.  That original key I supplied
> always provoked an 'enter passphrase' prompt when ssh or git contacted
> sourceware even though I had never supplied a passphrase for it.  OK, maybe
> sourceware requires passphrases so I generated a new key with a passphrase.

You're missing something important.  The key you sent to sware and the
other key you sent to the cygwin-apps list are both the public part of
your keys.  This public part of a key *never* requires a passphrase.
After all it's supposed to be readable by everyone, right?

If ssh asks for a passphrase, it's your local, *private* key which is
encrypted using this passphrase.  Therefore this has nothing to do with
ssh on the remote machine.  It can't require passphrases since,
obviously, it doesn't know your private key.  The private key never
leaves your local machine.  So this asking for a passphrase is a local
problem on your machine which you would have to fix locally.

Btw., I never saw the problem that a local key without passphrase results
in ssh asking for a passphrase.  The difference in the keyfile (encrypted
vs. non-encrypted) is obvious to ssh:

  $ head -2 .ssh/my_key
  Proc-Type: 4,ENCRYPTED


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