>> Tony@LAPTOP-O230JCFF ~/github/cygwin-p7zip
>> $ cygport p7zip-15.09-2.cygport upload
>>>>> Uploading p7zip-15.09-2.x86_64
>>>>> Running lftp sftp://cyg...@cygwin.com
>> Password:
>> cd: Fatal error: Host key verification failed
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> The host key you stored for sourceware isn't the right one for some
> reason. Remove it with ssh-keygen -R and check for correctness when
> you connect again, see the fingerprints at
> https://sourceware.org/cygwin-apps/package-upload.html

Thanks for the help Corinna.

I don't have anything for sourceware or cygwin.com in
~/.ssh/known_hosts, should I?



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