Jon Turney writes:
> I've deployed an updated calm, and moved perl-Test-Base to noarch.


> From my brief testing, setup handles this layout with no problems. I
> also checked that noarch files in a download package directory shared
> between x86 and x86_64 setup works as expected.
> Uploads to noarch should also now be accepted, although cygport needs
> teaching how to do that.
> Thanks for the list.  I'll look at moving more stuff if no problems appear.

If you want to test something with a bit more exposure, move
_autorebase.  It is actually a "real" cygport noarch package that just
gets duplicated on upload currently.

+<[Q+ Matrix-12 WAVE#46+305 Neuron microQkb Andromeda XTk Blofeld]>+

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