On Jul 12 11:06, Warren Young wrote:
> Per https://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin/2016-07/msg00160.html
> …I would like to adopt the GNU miscfiles package.  I have constructed the 
> following cygport file, which seems to do the trick:
> NAME=miscfiles
> SUMMARY="Miscellaneous data files"
> HOMEPAGE="https://www.gnu.org/software/miscfiles/";
> SRC_URI="https://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/${PN}/${PN}-${PV}.tar.gz";
> DESCRIPTION="This is the GNU Miscfiles package, which is a collection
> of files not of crucial importance for system administration or
> operation, but which have come to be common on various systems over the
> years. It includes data files for country codes, airport codes, currency
> information, and so on."
> CYGCONF_ARGS="--datarootdir=/usr/share/misc"
> src_install() {
>       cd ${B}
>       cygmake -j11 DESTDIR=${D} install

Why don't you use the offical call:

        cd ${B}

It sets -j as well as DESTDIR automatically.

>       dodir /usr/share/dict
>       dosym ../misc/web2a /usr/share/dict/words
>       dodoc ${D}/usr/share/misc/GNU-manifesto
>       rm ${D}/usr/share/misc/GNU-manifesto

Ignoring the below comment for now... what?

So you remove the exact same file you installed with dodoc?

> }
> The last line in my src_install() override seems heavy-handed.  I
> would have thought that dodoc would move the file into the doc
> directory from its default install location for me.

You only explain what you expect, but left out the interesting point
what actually happens.  Also, its questionable that `dodoc foo; rm foo'
is the way to go here...

> Can I avoid overriding src_install() entirely?  All I want to do here
> is move the GNU-manifesto file to the doc dir and create a
> /usr/share/dict/words symlink.

I don't think so.  If you want the script to perform extra steps you
need to create src_install.


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Maintainer                 cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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