On 7/27/16, 2:03 AM, Mark Geisert wrote:

>Bill Zissimopoulos writes:
>> To test that things work, clone my sshfs repo from:
>>     https://github.com/billziss-gh/sshfs
>> And issue the following commands:
>>     $ autoreconf -i
>>     $ ./configure
>On my test machine (Win7 64, Cygwin 64) I get the errors shown below.
>But first let me ask...

Please be mindful if you intend to test that the current released binary
of WinFsp does not support Windows 7. This is because the last release
erroneously uses a Windows 8 only API (GetOverlappedResultEx).

>> PS: I am going AWOL this Friday.
>If you don't mind my asking, do you mean for the day, for a couple
>weeks, for ever, ???


Sorry! I am realizing now this could be taken in a darker way than I
intended. I just meant I am going on vacation and that I have to attend to
some family matters. It is likely I will not be able to participate in
discussions for a few weeks.

>Here is the tail end of the ./configure output:
>configure: error: Package requirements (fuse >= 2.3 glib-2.0 gthread-
>2.0) were not met:
>No package 'fuse' found
>No package 'glib-2.0' found
>No package 'gthread-2.0' found
>The following shows I have glib2 installed.  I can't find a gthread
>package for Cygwin.  I've compiled cygfuse; what cygport command will
>satisfy the package reference for configure (newbie question this)?
>$ cygcheck -c | egrep 'fuse|glib|gthread'
>libglib2.0_0       2.46.2-4      OK

You will need libglib2.0-devel. This includes gthread-2.0 as well.

The reason it cannot find the FUSE package is because the cygfuse package
has not been “installed”. Here is how I build and install it.

    # how to build
    $ cd cygfuse
    $ git clean -dfx
    $ make cygport

    # list tarball contents
    $ tar taf fuse-2.8-4.x86_64/dist/fuse/fuse-2.8-4.tar.xz

    # how to install
    $ tar -C/ -xaf fuse-2.8-4.x86_64/dist/fuse/fuse-2.8-4.tar.xz

    # how to uninstall
    $ tar taf fuse-2.8-4.x86_64/dist/fuse/fuse-2.8-4.tar.xz | sed
's@.*@/&@' | xargs rm

You can verify that the cygfuse package has been installed properly:

    $ ls -l /usr/bin/cygfuse*
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 billziss None 14336 Jul 27 10:32 /usr/bin/cygfuse-2.8.dll

    $ ls -l /usr/include/fuse/
    total 28
    -rw-r--r-- 1 billziss None 7052 Jul 27 10:32 fuse.h
    -rw-r--r-- 1 billziss None 3912 Jul 27 10:32 fuse_common.h
    -rw-r--r-- 1 billziss None 3557 Jul 27 10:32 fuse_opt.h
    -rw-r--r-- 1 billziss None 8455 Jul 27 10:32 winfsp_fuse.h

    $ ls -l /usr/lib/libfuse*
    -rw-r--r-- 1 billziss None 19626 Jul 27 10:32
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 billziss None    17 Jul 27 10:32 /usr/lib/libfuse.dll.a
-> libfuse-2.8.dll.a

    $ ls -ls /usr/lib/pkgconfig/fuse.pc
    1 -rw-r--r-- 1 billziss None 190 Jul 27 10:32

After this SSHFS configure should be able to find the fuse.pc pkg-config
file and complete the SSHFS configuration.


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