On 9/5/16, 1:16 PM, Mark Geisert wrote:

>Adrien JUND wrote:
>>> Separate from that, it's been a little work disentangling the meaning
>>>of various names used for this project.  Here's what I think the names
>>> FUSE - a protocol, which exists in different versions
>>> WinFSP - a Windows-native DLL mapping FUSE 2.8 ops to/from Windows
>>>file ops
>>> cygfuse - a Cygwin DLL allowing Cygwin SSHFS and FUSEPY to use WinFSP
>>> If that's correct, I'd like to regularize the names of things in the
>>>proposed cygfuse package to accurately reflect their meaning.  E.g.,
>>>change fuse.cygport to cygfuse.cygport, etc.  The doc inside some files
>>>might need updating.
>> About cygfuse description, does the goal of cygfuse is not to wrappe
>> FUSE API for user land file systems like Dokan, WinFSP, CBFS, and
>> others ?
>> I have tried to see how to integrate Dokan in cygfuse and it is
>> currently hard linked to WinFSP and makes hard the integration for
>> others FS.
>> A neutral interface with common operations should be made to fix the
>I believe all interested parties have agreed we want to support multiple
>implementations.  cygfuse is intended to be the connector between a FUSE
>implementation and Cygwin versions of FUSE apps like SSHFS and FUSEPY.
>The idea 
>was to allow different FUSE implementations (e.g., WinFSP, Dokan, etc)
>under the 
>hood without having to modify the Cygwin level apps SSHFS, FUSEPY, etc to
>As currently implemented, cygfuse is hardwired to work with WinFSP.
>That's only 
>a consequence of cygfuse having been provided by WinFSP's author.  The
>plan is 
>to extend cygfuse so that it can support multiple FUSE implementations of
>one is selected at runtime.
>Currently, if WinFSP is installed on the system (determined by the
>existence of 
>a particular registry key) then cygfuse attaches to the WinFSP DLL.  This
>needs to be extended to check whether Dokan is installed (determined by
>mechanism TBD) and then attach to Dokan's DLL.  And so on for other
>I'm trying to get my understanding of the pieces and naming correct in
>order to 
>modify the cygfuse code to be more generic and less tied to WinFSP.

Mark, thank you. I agree with everything you said.


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