Hi there,
I'm interested in maintaining DocBook 5 schemata plus some additional tools for 
docbook (daps and jing-trang). I've never maintained a package before, so I 
think the best way for me would be starting with DocBook 5. By creating the 
cygport file I run into some questions that I would like to address:

1) docbook-5.0 installation path
All docbook-4.x files are installed in /usr/share/xml/docbook/<xml-dtd-4.5> and 
so on. With DocBook 5 the distribution format changed and there is now one 
folder with all necessary information:

drwx------+ 1 holger Kein     0  6. Feb 2008  .
drwx------+ 1 holger Kein     0 30. Mrz 16:39 ..
-rwx------+ 1 holger Kein  3287  6. Feb 2008  catalog.xml
-rwx------+ 1 holger Kein 46419  6. Feb 2008  ChangeLog
-rwx------+ 1 holger Kein   430  6. Feb 2008  docbook.nvdl
drwx------+ 1 holger Kein     0  6. Feb 2008  docs
drwx------+ 1 holger Kein     0  6. Feb 2008  dtd
-rwx------+ 1 holger Kein  1182  6. Feb 2008  README
drwx------+ 1 holger Kein     0  6. Feb 2008  rng
drwx------+ 1 holger Kein     0  6. Feb 2008  sch
drwx------+ 1 holger Kein     0  6. Feb 2008  tools
-rwx------+ 1 holger Kein     4  6. Feb 2008  VERSION
drwx------+ 1 holger Kein     0  6. Feb 2008  xsd

I propose to put the hole distribution under


so everything is in one place. I also had a look at Ubuntu; they put the 
schema-folders (dtd, rng, schematron (renamed sch), xsd and 
catalog-docbook5.xml) under


and all documentation in their doc-structure. In my opinion, putting everything 
at one place would be the easiest way to work with.

2) docbook.cyglass
Should I make use of the docbook.cyglass file? I think this one heavily depends 
on DocBook 4.x distribution.

Bye & thanks,

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