Yaakov Selkowitz writes:
> Thanks for setting this up.  When do you expect this will move into the
> distribution as non-test?

I don't know when the upstream release will be, but since no RC2 is
planned currently it porbably happens the upcoming weekend.  Depending
on precisely when that hits the download servers, I'll need one or two
days to build the new Perl plus re-build all distributions with it, for
both arches.  I would then upload again to my site so all other packages
in Cygwin that ship with Perl modules can be re-built and then we'll
have to figure out how to release everything in one go on sourceware.  I
will not be available some days next week and the week after, so that
may delay things a wee bit.

+<[Q+ Matrix-12 WAVE#46+305 Neuron microQkb Andromeda XTk Blofeld]>+

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