My cygport file and other files needed for reproducing the build are attached.

Package files



SUMMARY="X.Org X Pixmap library -- no X required"
DESCRIPTION="A version of the X.Org X Pixmap library that does not require an X
server, and provides none of the X-based display routines.  It
provides tools and libraries for manipulating XPM images.  It is
useful if you have an application that needs to read and write Xpm
format files, but either does not display them or handles display
itself, without accessing X11 services."

SRC_URI+=" sxpm-win.c"

PATCH_URI+=" 02-msw-doc.patch"
PATCH_URI+=" 03-cxpm-syntax.patch"
PATCH_URI+=" 04-source-code.patch"

PKG_NAMES="libXpm-noX libXpm-noX-devel libXpm-noX_4"

libXpm_noX_SUMMARY="${SUMMARY} (utilities)"

libXpm_noX_devel_CATEGORY="Graphics Libs Devel"
libXpm_noX_devel_SUMMARY="${SUMMARY} (devel)"
This package provides the (specialized) header files
and link libraries in /usr/include/noX and /usr/lib/noX,

libXpm_noX_4_CATEGORY="Graphics Libs"
libXpm_noX_4_SUMMARY="${SUMMARY} (runtime)"

libXpm_noX_CONTENTS="--exclude=usr/bin/*.dll usr/bin usr/share"
libXpm_noX_devel_CONTENTS='usr/include usr/lib etc/'


src_compile() {
        cd ${S}

        cd ${B}
        cygconf --includedir=/usr/include/noX --libdir=/usr/lib/noX \
          --disable-stat-zfile --with-localedir=no --enable-static
        cygmake -j1

        # custom rules...
        ./libtool --mode=compile gcc -I. -I${S}/include -I${S}/include/X11 
-I${S}/src \
                -DXPM_NO_X ${CPPFLAGS} ${CFLAGS} -o ${B}/sxpm-win.o -c 
        ./libtool --mode=link gcc -o ${B}/sxpm-win.exe ${B}/sxpm-win.o \

HTMLDOCS="doc/FAQ.html doc/README.html"
DOCS="README.Cygwin sxpm/*xpm doc/README.MSW"

src_install() {
        cd ${B}

        dodir /usr/lib/pkgconfig
        ${B}/libtool --mode=install /bin/install -m0755 sxpm-win.exe 

        exeinto /etc/postinstall
        newexe ${S}/
        exeinto /etc/preremove
        newexe ${S}/

        cd ${D}
        mv usr/lib/noX/pkgconfig/* usr/lib/pkgconfig

        mv usr/bin/cxpm.exe             usr/bin/cxpm-noX.exe
        mv usr/share/man/man1/cxpm.1    usr/share/man/man1/cxpm-noX.1

        # don't install manpage for sxpm (it's incorrect, wrt sxpm-win)
        rm -f usr/share/man/man1/sxpm.1
--- origsrc/libXpm-3.5.12/   2016-12-12 16:44:47.000000000 -0500
+++ src/libXpm-3.5.12/       2017-11-14 18:59:05.860229400 -0500
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ SUBDIRS = doc include man src sxpm cxpm
 pkgconfigdir = $(libdir)/pkgconfig
-pkgconfig_DATA = xpm.pc
+pkgconfig_DATA = xpm-nox.pc
--- origsrc/libXpm-3.5.12/  2016-12-12 17:09:25.000000000 -0500
+++ src/libXpm-3.5.12/      2017-11-14 19:03:15.445588100 -0500
@@ -10,8 +10,38 @@ AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR([m4])
 # Initialize Automake
 AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([foreign dist-bzip2])
+dnl Check for host type
 # Initialize libtool
+dnl Compilation on mingw and Cygwin needs special Makefile rules
+if test "$enable_shared" = yes; then
+  case "$host_os" in
+    mingw* | cygwin*) is_woe32dll=yes ;;
+    *) is_woe32dll=no ;;
+  esac
+  is_woe32dll=no
+AM_CONDITIONAL([WOE32DLL], [test $is_woe32dll = yes])
+if test $is_woe32dll = yes; then
+    [Define when --enable-shared is used on mingw or Cygwin.])
+dnl the following is true on windows even if building non-shared
+case "$host_os" in
+  mingw* | cygwin* ) is_woe32_platform=yes ;;
+  *)       is_woe32_platform=no  ;;
+AM_CONDITIONAL([WOE32_PLATFORM], [test $is_woe32_platform = yes])
+if test $is_woe32_platform = yes; then
+    [Define if host is some flavor of MSW: mingw, cygwin, msvc, etc])
 # Require X.Org macros 1.8 or later for MAN_SUBSTS set by XORG_MANPAGE_SECTIONS
@@ -23,9 +53,10 @@ XORG_DEFAULT_OPTIONS
 # Obtain compiler/linker options for dependencies
-PKG_CHECK_MODULES(SXPM, [x11 xt xext xextproto xproto >= 7.0.17],
-                  [build_sxpm=true], [build_sxpm=false])
+dnl PKG_CHECK_MODULES(XPM, xproto x11)
+dnl PKG_CHECK_MODULES(SXPM, [x11 xt xext xextproto xproto >= 7.0.17],
+dnl                   [build_sxpm=true], [build_sxpm=false])
 AM_CONDITIONAL(BUILD_SXPM, test x$build_sxpm = xtrue)
 # Internationalization & localization support
@@ -74,5 +105,5 @@ AC_CONFIG_FILES([Makefile
-                 xpm.pc])
+                 xpm-nox.pc])
--- origsrc/libXpm-3.5.12/cxpm/      2016-12-12 16:44:47.000000000 
+++ src/libXpm-3.5.12/cxpm/  2017-11-14 18:59:05.849168000 -0500
@@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
 bin_PROGRAMS = cxpm
 AM_CPPFLAGS = -I$(top_srcdir)/src -I$(top_srcdir)/include/X11
+cxpm_LDADD = -lgdi32 -luser32
 cxpm_SOURCES = cxpm.c
--- origsrc/libXpm-3.5.12/include/   2016-12-12 16:44:47.000000000 
+++ src/libXpm-3.5.12/include/       2017-11-14 18:59:05.854696000 
@@ -1 +1,5 @@
 nobase_include_HEADERS = X11/xpm.h
+libXpmincludedir = $(includedir)/X11
+libXpminclude_HEADERS = $(top_srcdir)/src/simx.h
--- origsrc/libXpm-3.5.12/src/       2016-12-12 16:44:47.000000000 
+++ src/libXpm-3.5.12/src/   2017-11-14 18:59:05.870285400 -0500
@@ -1,35 +1,36 @@
 # Daniel Stone disowns all copyright on this file.
 AM_CPPFLAGS = -I$(top_srcdir)/include/X11/
-libXpm_la_LDFLAGS = -version-number 4:11:0 -no-undefined
-libXpm_la_LIBADD =  $(XPM_LIBS)
+if WOE32DLL
+DEFCMD = -export-symbols libXpm-noX.exp
+libXpm_noX_la_DEPENDENCIES = libXpm-noX.exp
+libXpm_noX_extralibs = -lgdi32 -luser32
+libXpm_noX_extralibs =
-libXpm_la_SOURCES =                                    \
+libXpm_noX_la_LDFLAGS = -version-number 4:11:0 -no-undefined $(DEFCMD)
+libXpm_noX_la_LIBADD =  $(XPM_LIBS) $(libXpm_noX_extralibs)
+libXpm_noX_la_SOURCES =                                        \
        Attrib.c                                        \
        CrBufFrI.c                                      \
-       CrBufFrP.c                                      \
        CrDatFrI.c                                      \
-       CrDatFrP.c                                      \
        CrIFrBuf.c                                      \
        CrIFrDat.c                                      \
-       CrIFrP.c                                        \
-       CrPFrBuf.c                                      \
-       CrPFrDat.c                                      \
-       CrPFrI.c                                        \
        Image.c                                         \
        Info.c                                          \
        RdFToBuf.c                                      \
        RdFToDat.c                                      \
        RdFToI.c                                        \
-       RdFToP.c                                        \
        WrFFrBuf.c                                      \
        WrFFrDat.c                                      \
        WrFFrI.c                                        \
-       WrFFrP.c                                        \
        XpmI.h                                          \
        create.c                                        \
        data.c                                          \
@@ -38,6 +39,13 @@ libXpm_la_SOURCES =                                  \
        parse.c                                         \
        rgb.c                                           \
        rgbtab.h                                        \
-       scan.c
+       scan.c                                          \
+       simx.c
+EXTRA_DIST = amigax.c amigax.h simx.c simx.h libXpm-noX.def    \
+       CrBufFrP.c CrDatFrP.c CrIFrP.c CrPFrBuf.c CrPFrDat.c CrPFrI.c \
+       RdFToP.c WrFFrP.c
+libXpm-noX.exp: $(srcdir)/libXpm-noX.def
+       cat $(srcdir)/libXpm-noX.def | sed -e '1d' -e 's/@.*$$//' > $@
-EXTRA_DIST = amigax.c amigax.h simx.c simx.h
--- origsrc/libXpm-3.5.12/src/libXpm-noX.def    1969-12-31 19:00:00.000000000 
+++ src/libXpm-3.5.12/src/libXpm-noX.def        2017-11-14 18:59:05.864237300 
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+XpmAttributesSize @1
+XpmCreateBufferFromImage @2
+XDefaultVisual @3
+XImageFree @4
+XpmCreateBufferFromXpmImage @5
+XpmCreateDataFromImage @6
+XpmCreateDataFromXpmImage @7
+XpmCreateImageFromBuffer @8
+XpmCreateImageFromData @9
+XpmCreateImageFromXpmImage @10
+XpmCreateXpmImageFromBuffer @11
+XpmCreateXpmImageFromData @12
+XpmFree @13
+XpmFreeExtensions @14
+XpmGetErrorString @15
+XpmCreateXpmImageFromImage @16
+XpmLibraryVersion @17
+XpmReadFileToImage @18
+XpmFreeAttributes @19
+XpmReadFileToXpmImage @20
+XpmFreeXpmImage @21
+XpmFreeXpmInfo @22
+XpmWriteFileFromBuffer @23
+boundCheckingRealloc @24
+XpmReadFileToBuffer @25
+XpmReadFileToData @26
+xpmFreeColorTable @27
+xpmFreeRgbNames @28
+xpmGetCmt @29
+xpmGetRGBfromName @30
+XpmWriteFileFromData @31
+XpmWriteFileFromImage @32
+xpmGetRgbName @33
+XpmWriteFileFromXpmImage @34
+xpmGetString @35
+xpmHashIntern @36
+xpmHashSlot @37
+xpmHashTableFree @38
+xpmHashTableInit @39
+xpmInitAttributes @40
+xpmInitXpmImage @41
+xpmInitXpmInfo @42
+xpmNextString @43
+xpmNextUI @44
+xpmNextWord @45
+xpmParseColors @46
+xpmParseData @47
+xpmParseDataAndCreate @48
+xpmParseExtensions @49
+xpmParseHeader @50
+xpmParseValues @51
+xpmReadRgbNames @52
+xpmSetAttributes @53
+xpmSetInfo @54
+xpmSetInfoMask @55
+xpmatoui @56
+xpmstrcasecmp @57
+boundCheckingMalloc @100
+boundCheckingCalloc @101
+XDefaultScreen @104
+XDefaultDepth @105
+XDefaultColormap @106
+XParseColor @107
+XAllocColor @108
+XQueryColors @109
+XFreeColors @110
+XCreateImage @111
+XDestroyImage @113
--- origsrc/libXpm-3.5.12/ 1969-12-31 19:00:00.000000000 -0500
+++ src/libXpm-3.5.12/     2017-11-14 18:59:05.877246300 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Name: Xpm-noX
+Description: X Pixmap Library
+Cflags: -I${includedir} -DXPM_NO_X
+Libs: -L${libdir} -lXpm-noX -lgdi32 -luser32
--- origsrc/libXpm-3.5.12/     2016-12-12 16:44:47.000000000 -0500
+++ src/libXpm-3.5.12/ 1969-12-31 19:00:00.000000000 -0500
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-Name: Xpm
-Description: X Pixmap Library
-Requires: x11
-Requires.private: x11
-Cflags: -I${includedir}
-Libs: -L${libdir} -lXpm
diff -urN origsrc/libXpm-3.5.10/doc/README.MSW src/libXpm-3.5.10/doc/README.MSW
--- origsrc/libXpm-3.5.10/doc/README.MSW        2012-03-07 23:40:08.000000000 
+++ src/libXpm-3.5.10/doc/README.MSW    2013-06-30 18:36:34.210941100 -0400
@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
+ * 
+ * some of the following is not entirely accurate for the CYGWIN
+ * version of the noX-library. For instance, you should #define
+ * XPM_NO_X instead of FOR_MSW
+ *
+ */
 README.MSW        5/94
diff -urN origsrc/libXpm-3.5.10/cxpm/cxpm.c src/libXpm-3.5.10/cxpm/cxpm.c
--- origsrc/libXpm-3.5.10/cxpm/cxpm.c   2012-03-07 23:40:08.000000000 -0500
+++ src/libXpm-3.5.10/cxpm/cxpm.c       2013-06-30 18:39:52.877304100 -0400
@@ -44,6 +44,15 @@
 #define gettext(a) (a)
+#ifdef XPM_NO_X
+#  include "../src/simx.c"
+#  include "../src/rgb.c"
+#    define NEED_STRCASECMP
+#  endif
+FUNC(xpmstrcasecmp, int, (char *s1, char *s2));
 #undef xpmGetC
 #define xpmGetC(data) sGetc(data, data->stream.file)
 #define Getc sGetc
@@ -79,6 +88,28 @@
+xpmstrcasecmp(register char *s1, register char *s2)
+    register int c1, c2;
+    while (*s1 && *s2) {
+        c1 = tolower(*s1);
+        c2 = tolower(*s2);
+        if (c1 != c2)
+            return (c1 - c2);
+        s1++;
+        s2++;
+    }
+    return (int) (*s1 - *s2);
+#ifndef NO_ZPIPE
+FILE* xpmPipeThrough(int fd, const char *cmd, const char *arg1, const char 
 /* include all the code we need (yeah, I know, quite ugly...) */
 #include "data.c"
 #include "parse.c"
@@ -89,9 +120,7 @@
 #include "Image.c"
 static void
-    int ErrorStatus,
-    xpmData *data)
+ErrorMessage(int ErrorStatus, xpmData *data)
     char *error = NULL;
diff -urN -x CYGWIN-PATCHES origsrc/libXpm-3.5.10/include/X11/xpm.h 
--- origsrc/libXpm-3.5.10/include/X11/xpm.h     2012-03-07 23:40:08.000000000 
+++ src/libXpm-3.5.10/include/X11/xpm.h 2013-06-30 18:41:11.234785900 -0400
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
- * The code related to FOR_MSW has been added by
+ * The code related to XPM_NO_X has been added by
  * HeDu ( 4/94
@@ -42,6 +42,11 @@
  * Lorens Younes ( 4/96
+ * The code related to CYGWIN has been added by
+ * Charles Wilson ( 10/00
+ */
 #ifndef XPM_h
 #define XPM_h
@@ -62,21 +67,33 @@
 #define XpmRevision 11
 #define XpmIncludeVersion ((XpmFormat * 100 + XpmVersion) * 100 + XpmRevision)
+/* XPM_NO_X and FOR_MSW are synonymous */
+#ifdef XPM_NO_X
+#  ifndef FOR_MSW
+#    define FOR_MSW
+#  endif
+#ifdef FOR_MSW
+#  ifndef XPM_NO_X
+#    define XPM_NO_X
+#  endif
 #ifndef XPM_NUMBERS
-#ifdef FOR_MSW
+#ifdef XPM_NO_X
 # define SYSV                  /* uses memcpy string.h etc. */
 # include <malloc.h>
 # include "simx.h"             /* defines some X stuff using MSW types */
 #define NEED_STRCASECMP                /* at least for MSVC++ */
-#else /* FOR_MSW */
+#else /* XPM_NO_X */
 # ifdef AMIGA
 #  include "amigax.h"
 # else /* not AMIGA */
 #  include <X11/Xlib.h>
 #  include <X11/Xutil.h>
 # endif /* not AMIGA */
-#endif /* FOR_MSW */
+#endif /* XPM_NO_X */
 /* let's define Pixel if it is not done yet */
 #if ! defined(_XtIntrinsic_h) && ! defined(PIXEL_ALREADY_TYPEDEFED)
@@ -255,7 +272,7 @@
 #define XpmReturnComments  XpmComments
 /* XpmAttributes mask_pixel value when there is no mask */
-#ifndef FOR_MSW
+#ifndef XPM_NO_X
 #define XpmUndefPixel 0x80000000
 /* int is only 16 bit for MSW */
@@ -285,10 +302,10 @@
-/* FOR_MSW, all ..Pixmap.. are excluded, only the ..XImage.. are used */
+/* XPM_NO_X, all ..Pixmap.. are excluded, only the ..XImage.. are used */
 /* Same for Amiga! */
-#if !defined(FOR_MSW) && !defined(AMIGA)
+#if !defined(XPM_NO_X) && !defined(AMIGA)
     FUNC(XpmCreatePixmapFromData, int, (Display *display,
                                        Drawable d,
                                        char **data,
@@ -345,7 +362,7 @@
                                         XImage **image_return,
                                         XImage **shapemask_return,
                                         XpmAttributes *attributes));
-#if !defined(FOR_MSW) && !defined(AMIGA)
+#if !defined(XPM_NO_X) && !defined(AMIGA)
     FUNC(XpmCreatePixmapFromBuffer, int, (Display *display,
                                          Drawable d,
                                          char *buffer,
@@ -389,7 +406,7 @@
     FUNC(XpmWriteFileFromXpmImage, int, (char *filename,
                                         XpmImage *image,
                                         XpmInfo *info));
-#if !defined(FOR_MSW) && !defined(AMIGA)
+#if !defined(XPM_NO_X) && !defined(AMIGA)
     FUNC(XpmCreatePixmapFromXpmImage, int, (Display *display,
                                            Drawable d,
                                            XpmImage *image,
@@ -408,7 +425,7 @@
                                           XImage *shapeimage,
                                           XpmImage *xpmimage,
                                           XpmAttributes *attributes));
-#if !defined(FOR_MSW) && !defined(AMIGA)
+#if !defined(XPM_NO_X) && !defined(AMIGA)
     FUNC(XpmCreateXpmImageFromPixmap, int, (Display *display,
                                            Pixmap pixmap,
                                            Pixmap shapemask,
diff -urN -x CYGWIN-PATCHES origsrc/libXpm-3.5.10/src/create.c 
--- origsrc/libXpm-3.5.10/src/create.c  2012-03-07 23:40:08.000000000 -0500
+++ src/libXpm-3.5.10/src/create.c      2013-06-30 18:42:23.789935800 -0400
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
- * The code related to FOR_MSW has been added by
+ * The code related to XPM_NO_X has been added by
  * HeDu ( 4/94
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
 LFUNC(FreeColors, int, (Display *display, Colormap colormap,
                        Pixel *pixels, int n, void *closure));
-#ifndef FOR_MSW
+#ifndef XPM_NO_X
 LFUNC(SetCloseColor, int, (Display *display, Colormap colormap,
                           Visual *visual, XColor *col,
                           Pixel *image_pixel, Pixel *mask_pixel,
@@ -89,14 +89,14 @@
                           Pixel *alloc_pixels, unsigned int *nalloc_pixels,
                           Pixel *used_pixels, unsigned int *nused_pixels));
-#ifndef FOR_MSW
+#ifndef XPM_NO_X
 LFUNC(ParseAndPutPixels, int, (xpmData *data, unsigned int width,
                               unsigned int height, unsigned int ncolors,
                               unsigned int cpp, XpmColor *colorTable,
                               xpmHashTable *hashtable,
                               XImage *image, Pixel *image_pixels,
                               XImage *mask, Pixel *mask_pixels));
-#else  /* FOR_MSW */
+#else  /* XPM_NO_X */
 LFUNC(ParseAndPutPixels, int, (Display *dc, xpmData *data, unsigned int width,
                               unsigned int height, unsigned int ncolors,
                               unsigned int cpp, XpmColor *colorTable,
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@
                               XImage *mask, Pixel *mask_pixels));
-#ifndef FOR_MSW
+#ifndef XPM_NO_X
 # ifndef AMIGA
 /* XImage pixel routines */
 LFUNC(PutImagePixels, void, (XImage *image, unsigned int width,
@@ -146,12 +146,12 @@
                              unsigned int height, unsigned int *pixelindex,
                              Pixel *pixels));
 # endif/* AMIGA */
-#else  /* FOR_MSW */
-/* FOR_MSW pixel routine */
+#else  /* XPM_NO_X */
+/* XPM_NO_X pixel routine */
 LFUNC(MSWPutImagePixels, void, (Display *dc, XImage *image,
                                unsigned int width, unsigned int height,
                                unsigned int *pixelindex, Pixel *pixels));
-#endif /* FOR_MSW */
+#endif /* XPM_NO_X */
 FUNC(xpmstrcasecmp, int, (char *s1, char *s2));
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@
 static int
 xpmVisualType(Visual *visual)
-#ifndef FOR_MSW
+#ifndef XPM_NO_X
 # ifndef AMIGA
     switch (visual->class) {
     case StaticGray:
@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@
     return (XPM_COLOR);
 # endif
-    /* there should be a similar switch for MSW */
+    /* there should be a similar switch for XPM_NO_X */
     return (XPM_COLOR);
@@ -249,7 +249,7 @@
-#ifndef FOR_MSW
+#ifndef XPM_NO_X
  * set a close color in case the exact one can't be set
  * return 0 if success, 1 otherwise.
@@ -430,7 +430,7 @@
       || attributes->blue_closeness != 0)))
-    /* FOR_MSW part */
+    /* XPM_NO_X part */
     /* nothing to do here, the window system does it */
@@ -468,7 +468,7 @@
            return (1);
        if (status == 0) {
-#ifndef FOR_MSW
+#ifndef XPM_NO_X
            if (USE_CLOSECOLOR)
                return (SetCloseColor(display, colormap, visual, &xcolor,
                                      image_pixel, mask_pixel,
@@ -476,12 +476,12 @@
                                      attributes, cols, ncols,
                                      allocColor, closure));
-#endif /* ndef FOR_MSW */
+#endif /* ndef XPM_NO_X */
                return (1);
        } else
            alloc_pixels[(*nalloc_pixels)++] = xcolor.pixel;
        *image_pixel = xcolor.pixel;
-#ifndef FOR_MSW
+#ifndef XPM_NO_X
        *mask_pixel = 1;
        *mask_pixel = RGB(0,0,0);
@@ -489,7 +489,7 @@
        used_pixels[(*nused_pixels)++] = xcolor.pixel;
     } else {
        *image_pixel = 0;
-#ifndef FOR_MSW
+#ifndef XPM_NO_X
        *mask_pixel = 0;
        *mask_pixel = RGB(255,255,255);
@@ -568,7 +568,7 @@
        closure = NULL;
-#ifndef FOR_MSW
+#ifndef XPM_NO_X
     if (USE_CLOSECOLOR) {
        /* originally from SetCloseColor */
 #if 0
@@ -599,7 +599,7 @@
-#endif /* ndef FOR_MSW */
+#endif /* ndef XPM_NO_X */
     switch (key) {
     case XPM_MONO:
@@ -858,7 +858,7 @@
        if (ErrorStatus != XpmSuccess)
-#ifndef FOR_MSW
+#ifndef XPM_NO_X
 # ifndef AMIGA
@@ -885,7 +885,7 @@
        APutImagePixels(ximage, image->width, image->height,
                        image->data, image_pixels);
 # endif
-#else  /* FOR_MSW */
+#else  /* XPM_NO_X */
        MSWPutImagePixels(display, ximage, image->width, image->height,
                          image->data, image_pixels);
@@ -897,7 +897,7 @@
        if (ErrorStatus != XpmSuccess)
-#ifndef FOR_MSW
+#ifndef XPM_NO_X
 # ifndef AMIGA
        PutImagePixels1(shapeimage, image->width, image->height,
                        image->data, mask_pixels);
@@ -905,7 +905,7 @@
        APutImagePixels(shapeimage, image->width, image->height,
                        image->data, mask_pixels);
 # endif
-#else  /* FOR_MSW */
+#else  /* XPM_NO_X */
        MSWPutImagePixels(display, shapeimage, image->width, image->height,
                          image->data, mask_pixels);
@@ -990,7 +990,7 @@
     if (!*image_return)
        return (XpmNoMemory);
-#if !defined(FOR_MSW) && !defined(AMIGA)
+#if !defined(XPM_NO_X) && !defined(AMIGA)
     if (height != 0 && (*image_return)->bytes_per_line >= INT_MAX / height) {
        return XpmNoMemory;
@@ -1007,12 +1007,12 @@
        return (XpmNoMemory);
-    /* under FOR_MSW and AMIGA XCreateImage has done it all */
+    /* under XPM_NO_X and AMIGA XCreateImage has done it all */
     return (XpmSuccess);
-#ifndef FOR_MSW
+#ifndef XPM_NO_X
 # ifndef AMIGA
  * The functions below are written from X11R5 MIT's code (XImUtil.c)
@@ -1721,7 +1721,7 @@
 # endif/* AMIGA */
-#else  /* FOR_MSW part follows */
+#else  /* XPM_NO_X part follows */
 static void
     Display            *dc,
@@ -1744,11 +1744,11 @@
     SelectObject(*dc, obm);
-#endif /* FOR_MSW */
+#endif /* XPM_NO_X */
-#if !defined(FOR_MSW) && !defined(AMIGA)
+#if !defined(XPM_NO_X) && !defined(AMIGA)
 static int
@@ -1966,7 +1966,7 @@
     return 1;
-#endif /* not FOR_MSW && not AMIGA */
+#endif /* not XPM_NO_X && not AMIGA */
  * This function parses an Xpm file or data and directly create an XImage
@@ -2133,7 +2133,7 @@
        if (ErrorStatus != XpmSuccess)
-#if !defined(FOR_MSW) && !defined(AMIGA)
+#if !defined(XPM_NO_X) && !defined(AMIGA)
         * set the XImage pointer function, to be used with XPutPixel,
@@ -2167,7 +2167,7 @@
            ximage->f.put_pixel = PutPixel1;
            ximage->f.put_pixel = PutPixel;
-#endif /* not FOR_MSW && not AMIGA */
+#endif /* not XPM_NO_X && not AMIGA */
     /* create the shape mask image */
@@ -2177,7 +2177,7 @@
        if (ErrorStatus != XpmSuccess)
-#if !defined(FOR_MSW) && !defined(AMIGA)
+#if !defined(XPM_NO_X) && !defined(AMIGA)
        if (shapeimage->bitmap_bit_order == MSBFirst)
            shapeimage->f.put_pixel = PutPixel1MSB;
@@ -2189,7 +2189,7 @@
      * read pixels and put them in the XImage
     ErrorStatus = ParseAndPutPixels(
-#ifdef FOR_MSW
+#ifdef XPM_NO_X
                                    data, width, height, ncolors, cpp,
@@ -2309,7 +2309,7 @@
 static int
-#ifdef FOR_MSW
+#ifdef XPM_NO_X
     Display            *dc,
     xpmData            *data,
@@ -2332,7 +2332,7 @@
                                         * colors */
            unsigned short colidx[256];
-#ifdef FOR_MSW
+#ifdef XPM_NO_X
            HDC shapedc;
            HBITMAP obm, sobm;
@@ -2357,7 +2357,7 @@
                    int c = xpmGetC(data);
                    if (c > 0 && c < 256 && colidx[c] != 0) {
-#ifndef FOR_MSW
+#ifndef XPM_NO_X
                        XPutPixel(image, x, y, image_pixels[colidx[c] - 1]);
                        if (shapeimage)
                            XPutPixel(shapeimage, x, y,
@@ -2372,7 +2372,7 @@
                        return (XpmFileInvalid);
-#ifdef FOR_MSW
+#ifdef XPM_NO_X
            if ( shapedc ) {
                SelectObject(shapedc, sobm);
@@ -2416,7 +2416,7 @@
                        int cc2 = xpmGetC(data);
                        if (cc2 > 0 && cc2 < 256 &&
                            cidx[cc1] && cidx[cc1][cc2] != 0) {
-#ifndef FOR_MSW
+#ifndef XPM_NO_X
                            XPutPixel(image, x, y,
                                      image_pixels[cidx[cc1][cc2] - 1]);
                            if (shapeimage)
@@ -2466,7 +2466,7 @@
                        slot = xpmHashSlot(hashtable, buf);
                        if (!*slot)     /* no color matches */
                            return (XpmFileInvalid);
-#ifndef FOR_MSW
+#ifndef XPM_NO_X
                        XPutPixel(image, x, y,
                        if (shapeimage)
@@ -2495,7 +2495,7 @@
                        if (a == ncolors)       /* no color matches */
                            return (XpmFileInvalid);
-#ifndef FOR_MSW
+#ifndef XPM_NO_X
                        XPutPixel(image, x, y, image_pixels[a]);
                        if (shapeimage)
                            XPutPixel(shapeimage, x, y, shape_pixels[a]);
diff -urN -x CYGWIN-PATCHES origsrc/libXpm-3.5.10/src/parse.c 
--- origsrc/libXpm-3.5.10/src/parse.c   2012-03-07 23:40:08.000000000 -0500
+++ src/libXpm-3.5.10/src/parse.c       2013-06-30 18:42:54.167673400 -0400
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
- * The code related to FOR_MSW has been added by
+ * The code related to XPM_NO_X has been added by
  * HeDu ( 4/94
@@ -383,7 +383,7 @@
     if ((height > 0 && width >= UINT_MAX / height) ||
        width * height >= UINT_MAX / sizeof(unsigned int))
        return XpmNoMemory;
-#ifndef FOR_MSW
+#ifndef XPM_NO_X
     iptr2 = (unsigned int *) XpmMalloc(sizeof(unsigned int) * width * height);
diff -urN -x CYGWIN-PATCHES origsrc/libXpm-3.5.10/src/RdFToBuf.c 
--- origsrc/libXpm-3.5.10/src/RdFToBuf.c        2012-03-07 23:40:08.000000000 
+++ src/libXpm-3.5.10/src/RdFToBuf.c    2013-06-30 18:43:06.247364300 -0400
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
- * The code related to FOR_MSW has been added by
+ * The code related to XPM_NO_X has been added by
  * HeDu ( 4/94
@@ -44,13 +44,13 @@
 #include "XpmI.h"
 #include <sys/stat.h>
-#if !defined(FOR_MSW) && !defined(WIN32)
+#if defined(__CYGWIN__) || (!defined(XPM_NO_X) && !defined(WIN32))
 #include <unistd.h>
 #ifndef VAX11C
 #include <fcntl.h>
-#if defined(FOR_MSW) || defined(WIN32)
+#if (defined(XPM_NO_X) || defined(WIN32)) && !defined(__CYGWIN__)
 #include <io.h>
 #define stat _stat
 #define fstat _fstat
diff -urN -x CYGWIN-PATCHES origsrc/libXpm-3.5.10/src/RdFToI.c 
--- origsrc/libXpm-3.5.10/src/RdFToI.c  2012-03-07 23:40:08.000000000 -0500
+++ src/libXpm-3.5.10/src/RdFToI.c      2013-06-30 18:43:17.587012900 -0400
@@ -38,6 +38,9 @@
 #include <config.h>
 #include "XpmI.h"
+#if defined(__CYGWIN__) || (!defined(XPM_NO_X) && !defined(WIN32))
+#include <unistd.h>
 #ifndef NO_ZPIPE
 #include <fcntl.h>
 #include <errno.h>
diff -urN -x CYGWIN-PATCHES origsrc/libXpm-3.5.10/src/rgb.c 
--- origsrc/libXpm-3.5.10/src/rgb.c     2012-03-07 23:40:08.000000000 -0500
+++ src/libXpm-3.5.10/src/rgb.c 2013-06-30 18:44:12.065128800 -0400
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
- * The code related to FOR_MSW has been added by
+ * The code related to XPM_NO_X has been added by
  * HeDu ( 4/94
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
 #include "XpmI.h"
 #include <ctype.h>
-#ifndef FOR_MSW                                /* normal part first, MSW part 
+#ifndef XPM_NO_X                       /* normal part first, MSW part at
                                         * the end, (huge ifdef!) */
  * Read a rgb text file.  It stores the rgb values (0->65535)
@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@
      * lot of gray
     /* so first extract ' ' */
-    while (p = strchr(name, ' ')) {
+    while ((p = strchr(name, ' '))) {
        while (*(p)) {                  /* till eof of string */
            *p = *(p + 1);              /* copy to the left */
@@ -239,7 +239,7 @@
      * substitute Grey with Gray, else rgbtab.h would have more than 100
      * 'duplicate' entries
-    if (grey = strstr(name, "grey"))
+    if ((grey = strstr(name, "grey")))
        grey[2] = 'a';
     /* binary search */
diff -urN -x CYGWIN-PATCHES origsrc/libXpm-3.5.10/src/rgbtab.h 
--- origsrc/libXpm-3.5.10/src/rgbtab.h  2012-03-07 23:40:08.000000000 -0500
+++ src/libXpm-3.5.10/src/rgbtab.h      2013-06-30 18:44:26.061929400 -0400
@@ -286,7 +286,7 @@
     {"WhiteSmoke", myRGB(245, 245, 245)},
     {"Yellow", myRGB(255, 255, 0)},
     {"YellowGreen", myRGB(50, 216, 56)},
-    NULL
+    {NULL, 0}
 static int numTheRGBRecords = 234;
diff -urN -x CYGWIN-PATCHES origsrc/libXpm-3.5.10/src/scan.c 
--- origsrc/libXpm-3.5.10/src/scan.c    2012-03-07 23:40:08.000000000 -0500
+++ src/libXpm-3.5.10/src/scan.c        2013-06-30 18:44:35.895491900 -0400
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
- * The code related to FOR_MSW has been added by
+ * The code related to XPM_NO_X has been added by
  * HeDu ( 4/94
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@
 typedef int (*storeFuncPtr)(Pixel pixel, PixelsMap *pmap,
                            unsigned int *index_return);
-#ifndef FOR_MSW
+#ifndef XPM_NO_X
 # ifndef AMIGA
 LFUNC(GetImagePixels, int, (XImage *image, unsigned int width,
                            unsigned int height, PixelsMap *pmap));
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@
                             unsigned int height, PixelsMap *pmap,
                             storeFuncPtr storeFunc));
 # endif/* AMIGA */
-#else  /* ndef FOR_MSW */
+#else  /* ndef XPM_NO_X */
 LFUNC(MSWGetImagePixels, int, (Display *d, XImage *image, unsigned int width,
                               unsigned int height, PixelsMap *pmap,
                               storeFuncPtr storeFunc));
@@ -255,7 +255,7 @@
      * scan shape mask if any
     if (shapeimage) {
-#ifndef FOR_MSW
+#ifndef XPM_NO_X
 # ifndef AMIGA
        ErrorStatus = GetImagePixels1(shapeimage, width, height, &pmap,
@@ -280,7 +280,7 @@
     if (image) {
-#ifndef FOR_MSW
+#ifndef XPM_NO_X
 # ifndef AMIGA
        if (((image->bits_per_pixel | image->depth) == 1)  &&
            (image->byte_order == image->bitmap_bit_order))
@@ -430,7 +430,7 @@
     Colormap colormap;
     char *rgb_fname;
-#ifndef FOR_MSW
+#ifndef XPM_NO_X
     xpmRgbName rgbn[MAX_RGBNAMES];
     xpmRgbName *rgbn = NULL;
@@ -486,12 +486,12 @@
     XQueryColors(display, colormap, xcolors, ncolors);
-#ifndef FOR_MSW
+#ifndef XPM_NO_X
     /* read the rgb file if any was specified */
     if (rgb_fname)
        rgbn_max = xpmReadRgbNames(attributes->rgb_fname, rgbn);
-    /* FOR_MSW: rgb names and values are hardcoded in rgbtab.h */
+    /* XPM_NO_X: rgb names and values are hardcoded in rgbtab.h */
     rgbn_max = xpmReadRgbNames(NULL, NULL);
@@ -556,7 +556,7 @@
            else {
                /* at last store the rgb value */
                char buf[BUFSIZ];
-#ifndef FOR_MSW
+#ifndef XPM_NO_X
                sprintf(buf, "#%04X%04X%04X",
                        xcolor->red, xcolor->green, xcolor->blue);
@@ -578,7 +578,7 @@
     return (XpmSuccess);
-#ifndef FOR_MSW
+#ifndef XPM_NO_X
 # ifndef AMIGA
  * The functions below are written from X11R5 MIT's code (XImUtil.c)
@@ -950,7 +950,7 @@
 #undef CLEAN_UP
 # endif/* AMIGA */
-#else  /* ndef FOR_MSW */
+#else  /* ndef XPM_NO_X */
 static int
     Display     *display,
@@ -979,7 +979,7 @@
-#ifndef FOR_MSW
+#ifndef XPM_NO_X
 # ifndef AMIGA
@@ -1021,4 +1021,4 @@
 # endif/* not AMIGA */
-#endif /* ndef FOR_MSW */
+#endif /* ndef XPM_NO_X */
diff -urN -x CYGWIN-PATCHES origsrc/libXpm-3.5.10/src/simx.c 
--- origsrc/libXpm-3.5.10/src/simx.c    2012-03-07 23:40:08.000000000 -0500
+++ src/libXpm-3.5.10/src/simx.c        2013-06-30 18:51:19.660585900 -0400
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
 * Developed by HeDu 3/94 (                           *
-#ifdef FOR_MSW
+#ifdef XPM_NO_X
 #include <config.h>
@@ -108,22 +108,22 @@
 /* static Visual theVisual = { 0 }; */
 Visual *
-XDefaultVisual(Display *display, Screen *screen)
+XDefaultVisual(Display *display, int screen_number)
     return (NULL);                     /* struct could contain info about
                                         * MONO, GRAY, COLOR */
-Screen *
 XDefaultScreen(Display *d)
-    return (NULL);
+    return (0);
 /* I get only 1 plane but 8 bits per pixel,
    so I think BITSPIXEL should be depth */
-XDefaultDepth(Display *display, Screen *screen)
+XDefaultDepth(Display *display, int screen_number)
     int d, b;
@@ -132,8 +132,8 @@
     return (b);
-Colormap *
-XDefaultColormap(Display *display, Screen *screen)
+XDefaultColormap(Display *display, int screen_number)
     return (NULL);
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@
 /* convert hex color names,
    wrong digits (not a-f,A-F,0-9) are treated as zero */
 static int
+hexCharToInt(int c)
     int r;
@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@
 /* Color related functions */
-XParseColor(Display *d, Colormap *cmap, char *name, XColor *color)
+XParseColor(Display *d, Colormap cmap, char *name, XColor *color)
     int r, g, b;                       /* only 8 bit values used */
     int okay;
@@ -222,12 +222,12 @@
    index in some colormap as in X */
     return (1);
-XQueryColors(Display *display, Colormap *colormap,
+XQueryColors(Display *display, Colormap colormap,
             XColor *xcolors, int ncolors)
 /* under X this fills the rgb values to given .pixel */
-/* since there no colormap use FOR_MSW (not yet!!), rgb is plain encoded */
+/* since there no colormap use XPM_NO_X (not yet!!), rgb is plain encoded */
     XColor *xc = xcolors;
     int i;
@@ -236,11 +236,11 @@
        xc->green = GetGValue(xc->pixel);
        xc->blue = GetBValue(xc->pixel);
-    return;
+    return (0);
 XFreeColors(Display *d, Colormap cmap,
-           unsigned long pixels[], int npixels, unsigned long planes)
+           unsigned long* pixels, int npixels, unsigned long planes)
     /* no colormap yet */
     return (0);                                /* correct ??? */
@@ -249,9 +249,10 @@
 /* XImage functions */
 XImage *
 XCreateImage(Display *d, Visual *v,
-            int depth, int format,
-            int x, int y, int width, int height,
-            int pad, int foo)
+            unsigned int depth, int format,
+            int offset, char* data,
+            unsigned int width, unsigned int height,
+            int pad, int bytes_per_line)
     XImage *img = (XImage *) XpmMalloc(sizeof(XImage));
@@ -281,13 +282,14 @@
 XDestroyImage(XImage *img)
     if (img) {
        DeleteObject(img->bitmap);      /* check return ??? */
+    return (0);
diff -urN -x CYGWIN-PATCHES origsrc/libXpm-3.5.10/src/simx.h 
--- origsrc/libXpm-3.5.10/src/simx.h    2012-03-07 23:40:08.000000000 -0500
+++ src/libXpm-3.5.10/src/simx.h        2013-06-30 18:45:06.841261800 -0400
@@ -37,12 +37,28 @@
 #ifndef _SIMX_H
 #define _SIMX_H
-#ifdef FOR_MSW
+#ifdef XPM_NO_X
 #include "windows.h"                   /* MS windows GDI types */
-#define NO_ZPIPE
+# ifdef __CYGWIN__
+#  if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus) /* for C++ V2.0 */
+#   define _XFUNCPROTOBEGIN extern "C" {   /* do not leave open across 
includes */
+#   define _XFUNCPROTOEND }
+#  else
+#   define _XFUNCPROTOEND
+#  endif
+# else /* ! __CYGWIN__ */
+# endif /* !__CYGWIN__ */
+#endif /* _XFUNCPROTOBEGIN */
+#ifndef __CYGWIN__
+# define NO_ZPIPE
  * minimal portability layer between ansi and KR C
@@ -91,37 +107,33 @@
     unsigned int depth;
 }      XImage;
-#if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
-extern "C" {
 /* some replacements for X... functions */
 /* XDefaultXXX */
-    FUNC(XDefaultVisual, Visual *, (Display *display, Screen *screen));
-    FUNC(XDefaultScreen, Screen *, (Display *d));
-    FUNC(XDefaultColormap, Colormap *, (Display *display, Screen *screen));
-    FUNC(XDefaultDepth, int, (Display *d, Screen *s));
+    FUNC(XDefaultVisual, Visual *, (Display *, int screen_number));
+    FUNC(XDefaultScreen, int, (Display *));
+    FUNC(XDefaultColormap, Colormap, (Display *, int screen_number));
+    FUNC(XDefaultDepth, int, (Display *, int screen_number));
 /* color related */
-    FUNC(XParseColor, int, (Display *, Colormap *, char *, XColor *));
+    FUNC(XParseColor, int, (Display *, Colormap, char *, XColor *));
     FUNC(XAllocColor, int, (Display *, Colormap, XColor *));
-    FUNC(XQueryColors, void, (Display *display, Colormap *colormap,
-                             XColor *xcolors, int ncolors));
-    FUNC(XFreeColors, int, (Display *d, Colormap cmap,
-                           unsigned long pixels[],
-                           int npixels, unsigned long planes));
+    FUNC(XQueryColors, int, (Display *, Colormap, XColor *, int));
+    FUNC(XFreeColors, int, (Display *, Colormap, unsigned long*,
+                           int, unsigned long));
 /* XImage */
-    FUNC(XCreateImage, XImage *, (Display *, Visual *, int depth, int format,
-                                 int x, int y, int width, int height,
-                                 int pad, int foo));
+    FUNC(XCreateImage, XImage *, (Display *, Visual *, unsigned int,
+                                 int, int, char*, unsigned int,
+                                 unsigned int, int, int));
 /* free and destroy bitmap */
-    FUNC(XDestroyImage, void /* ? */ , (XImage *));
+    FUNC(XDestroyImage, int, (XImage *));
 /* free only, bitmap remains */
     FUNC(XImageFree, void, (XImage *));
-#if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
-} /* end of extern "C" */
-#endif /* cplusplus */
 #define ZPixmap 1                      /* not really used */
 #define XYBitmap 1                     /* not really used */
@@ -137,6 +149,7 @@
 #undef LFUNC
 #undef FUNC
+#ifndef __CYGWIN__
 /* Some functions and constants that have non-standard names in the
    MS library.  */
 #define bzero(addr,sz) memset(addr, 0, sz)
@@ -148,7 +161,8 @@
 #define rindex strrchr
 #define strdup _strdup
+#endif /* ! __CYGWIN__ */
-#endif /* def FOR_MSW */
+#endif /* def XPM_NO_X */
 #endif /* _SIMX_H */
diff -urN -x CYGWIN-PATCHES origsrc/libXpm-3.5.10/src/XpmI.h 
--- origsrc/libXpm-3.5.10/src/XpmI.h    2012-03-07 23:40:08.000000000 -0500
+++ src/libXpm-3.5.10/src/XpmI.h        2013-06-30 18:45:41.417239500 -0400
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
- * The code related to FOR_MSW has been added by
+ * The code related to XPM_NO_X has been added by
  * HeDu ( 4/94
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
 extern FILE *popen();
-#ifdef FOR_MSW
+#ifdef XPM_NO_X
 #include "simx.h"
 #include <X11/Xos.h>
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
 #define XpmFree(ptr) free(ptr)
-#ifndef FOR_MSW
+#ifndef XPM_NO_X
 #define XpmMalloc(size) malloc((size))
 #define XpmRealloc(ptr, size) realloc((ptr), (size))
 #define XpmCalloc(nelem, elsize) calloc((nelem), (elsize))
@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@
 FUNC(xpmSetAttributes, void, (XpmAttributes *attributes, XpmImage *image,
                              XpmInfo *info));
-#if !defined(FOR_MSW) && !defined(AMIGA)
+#if !defined(XPM_NO_X) && !defined(AMIGA)
 FUNC(xpmCreatePixmapFromImage, void, (Display *display, Drawable d,
                                      XImage *ximage, Pixmap *pixmap_return));
@@ -253,7 +253,7 @@
 FUNC(xpmGetRgbName, char *, (xpmRgbName *rgbn, int rgbn_max,
                             int red, int green, int blue));
 FUNC(xpmFreeRgbNames, void, (xpmRgbName *rgbn, int rgbn_max));
-#ifdef FOR_MSW
+#ifdef XPM_NO_X
 FUNC(xpmGetRGBfromName,int, (char *name, int *r, int *g, int *b));

(cd ${incdir}; 
  rm -f simx.h xpm.h || /bin/true
  ln -fs X11/xpm.h xpm.h
  ln -fs X11/simx.h simx.h

(cd ${libdir}; 
  rm -f libXpm.dll.a libXpm.a || /bin/true
  ln -fs libXpm-noX.dll.a libXpm.dll.a
  ln -fs libXpm-noX.a     libXpm.a

/* sxpm-win: derived from rpng-win in the libpng distribution.
   Original license text below. These modifications

   Copyright (c) 2009  Charles Wilson

   and released under the same license terms as the original (that is,
   DUAL-LICENSED under "BSD-like with advertising clause" and GNU
   GPL v2 or later. (The portions adapted from XEmacs, which are clearly
   marked, are GPL v2 or later, only).


      Copyright (c) 1998-2008 Greg Roelofs.  All rights reserved.

      This software is provided "as is," without warranty of any kind,
      express or implied.  In no event shall the author or contributors
      be held liable for any damages arising in any way from the use of
      this software.

      The contents of this file are DUAL-LICENSED.  You may modify and/or
      redistribute this software according to the terms of one of the
      following two licenses (at your option):

      LICENSE 1 ("BSD-like with advertising clause"):

      Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
      including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute
      it freely, subject to the following restrictions:

      1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
         notice, disclaimer, and this list of conditions.
      2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
         notice, disclaimer, and this list of conditions in the documenta-
         tion and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
      3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this
         software must display the following acknowledgment:

            This product includes software developed by Greg Roelofs
            and contributors for the book, "PNG: The Definitive Guide,"
            published by O'Reilly and Associates.

      LICENSE 2 (GNU GPL v2 or later):

      This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
      it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
      the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
      (at your option) any later version.

      This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
      but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
      GNU General Public License for more details.

      You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
      along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
      Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA


#define PROGNAME  "sxpm-win"
#define LONGNAME  "Simple XPM Viewer for Windows"
#define VERSION   "1.0 of 13 March 2009"

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <getopt.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0501
#include <windows.h>
#include <X11/xpm.h>
#include <errno.h>

/* this enables the Trace() macros */
/* #define DEBUG  : */

#define alpha_composite(composite, fg, alpha, bg) {               \
    ush temp = ((ush)(fg)*(ush)(alpha) +                          \
                (ush)(bg)*(ush)(255 - (ush)(alpha)) + (ush)128);  \
    (composite) = (uch)((temp + (temp >> 8)) >> 8);               \

typedef unsigned char   uch;
typedef unsigned short  ush;
typedef unsigned long   ulg;
#ifndef TRUE
#  define TRUE 1
#  define FALSE 0
#ifdef DEBUG
#  define Trace(x)  {fprintf x ; fflush(stderr); fflush(stdout);}
#  define Trace(x)  ;

/* local prototypes */
static void       usage(FILE* f, const char* prog);
static int        string_to_ulong(const char *string, unsigned long *value);
static int        sxpm_win_create_window(HINSTANCE hInst, int showmode);
static int        sxpm_win_display_image(void);
static void       sxpm_win_cleanup(void);
static void       dump_color(int n);
static void       dump_xpm(void);
static COLORREF   mswindows_string_to_color (const char *name);

static char titlebar[1024];
static char *progname = PROGNAME;
static char *appname = LONGNAME;
static char *filename;
static FILE *infile;

static uch bg_red=0, bg_green=0, bg_blue=0;
static long zoom_value = 1;

static XpmImage xpmimage;
static XpmInfo xpminfo;
static ulg image_width, image_height;
static int verbose_flag = FALSE;
static int have_xpm = FALSE;

/* Windows-specific variables */
static ulg wimage_rowbytes;
static uch *dib;
static uch *wimage_data;

static HWND global_hwnd;

static struct option long_options[] = {
  {"bgcolor", required_argument, NULL, 'b'},
  {"bg", required_argument, NULL, 'b'},
  {"zoom", required_argument, NULL, 'z'},
  {"help", no_argument, NULL, 'h'},
  {"verbose", no_argument, NULL, 'v'},
  {NULL, no_argument, NULL, 0}

int main(int argc, char **argv)
  int rc, c, alen, flen;
  int error = 0;
  int have_bg = FALSE;
  COLORREF bg_color;
  MSG msg;
  HWND hwndC = GetConsoleWindow();
  HINSTANCE hInstCons = (HINSTANCE)GetWindowLongPtr( hwndC, GWLP_HINSTANCE);

  /* Now parse the command line for options and the XPM filename. */

  while (1)
      int option_index = 0;
      unsigned long ulong_value;

      c = getopt_long (argc, argv, "b:z:hv", long_options, &option_index);
      if (c == -1)

      switch (c)
        case 'h':
          usage (stdout, PROGNAME);
          exit (0);
        case 'v':
          verbose_flag = TRUE;
        case 'b':
          bg_color = mswindows_string_to_color(optarg);
          if (bg_color == (COLORREF)-1)
              fprintf (stderr, "Invalud argument for %s: %s\n",
                       long_options[option_index].name, optarg);
              usage (stderr, PROGNAME);
              exit (1);
            have_bg = TRUE;
        case 'z':
          if (string_to_ulong (optarg, &ulong_value) != 0)
              fprintf (stderr, "Invalid argument for %s: %s\n", 
                       long_options[option_index].name, optarg);
              usage (stderr, PROGNAME);
              exit (1);
          if (ulong_value < 1 || ulong_value > 64)
              fprintf (stderr, "Argument for %s out of range [1,64]: %lu\n",
                       long_options[option_index].name, ulong_value);
              usage (stderr, PROGNAME);
              exit (1);
          zoom_value = ulong_value;
        case '?':
          usage (stderr, PROGNAME);
          exit (1);

  if (argc - optind < 1)
      fprintf(stderr, "An xpm filename is required.\n");
      usage (stderr, PROGNAME);
      exit (1);
  if (argc - optind > 1)
      fprintf(stderr, "Too many arguments.\n");
      usage (stderr, PROGNAME);
      exit (1);
  filename = argv[optind];

    /* set the title-bar string, but make sure buffer doesn't overflow */

    alen = strlen(appname);
    flen = strlen(filename);
    if (alen + flen + 3 > 1023)
        sprintf(titlebar, "%s:  ...%s", appname, filename+(alen+flen+6-1023));
        sprintf(titlebar, "%s:  %s", appname, filename);

    /* if the user didn't specify a background color on the command line,
     * the initialized values of 0 (black) will be used */

    if (have_bg) {
        bg_red   = (uch) bg_color         & 0x00ff;
        bg_green = (uch) (bg_color >> 8 ) & 0x00ff;
        bg_blue  = (uch) (bg_color >> 16) & 0x00ff;

    /* kludge to avoid if ... if ... if ... indenting  */


      if (!filename) {
      } else if (!(infile = fopen(filename, "rb"))) {
        fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME ":  can't open XPM file [%s]\n", filename);
      } else {
      if (error) break;

      xpminfo.valuemask = XpmReturnComments | XpmReturnExtensions;

      /* load the image */
      Trace((stderr, "calling XpmReadFileToXpmImage()\n"))
      rc = XpmReadFileToXpmImage(filename, &xpmimage, &xpminfo);
      Trace((stderr, "done with XpmReadFileToXpmImage()\n"))

      if (rc != XpmSuccess) {
        fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME ":  can't parse XPM data [%s]\n", filename);
      } else {
        image_width = xpmimage.width;
        image_height = xpmimage.height;
        have_xpm = TRUE; 

        if (verbose_flag)

    image_width *= zoom_value;
    image_height *= zoom_value;

    /* print usage screen if any errors up to this point */
    if (error) {
      usage(stderr, PROGNAME);
      if (have_xpm == TRUE) {

    /* do the basic Windows initialization stuff, make the window and fill it
     * with the background color */

    if (sxpm_win_create_window(hInstCons, SW_SHOWNORMAL))
      if (have_xpm == TRUE) {

    /* display image (composite with background if requested) */

    Trace((stderr, "calling sxpm_win_display_image()\n"))
    if (sxpm_win_display_image()) {
      if (have_xpm == TRUE) {
    Trace((stderr, "done with sxpm_win_display_image()\n"))

    /* wait for the user to tell us when to quit */

      "Done.  Press Q, Esc or mouse button 1 (within image window) to quit.\n"

    while (GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0)) {

    /* OK, we're done:  clean up all image and Windows resources and go away */

    return msg.wParam;

static int
string_to_ulong (const char *string, unsigned long *value)
  unsigned long number = 0;
  char * endp;
  errno = 0;

  /* null or empty input */
  if (!string || !*string)
    return 1;

  number = strtoul (string, &endp, 0);

  /* out of range */
  if (ERANGE == errno)
    return 1;

  /* no valid numeric input */
  if (endp == string)
    return 1;

  /* non-numeric trailing characters */
  if (*endp != '\0')
    return 1;

  *value = number;
  return 0;

static int
sxpm_win_create_window(HINSTANCE hInst, int showmode)
    uch *dest;
    int extra_width, extra_height;
    ulg i, j;
    WNDCLASSEX wndclass;

    Allocate memory for the display-specific version of the image (round up
    to multiple of 4 for Windows DIB).

    wimage_rowbytes = ((3*image_width + 3L) >> 2) << 2;

    if (!(dib = (uch *)malloc(sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) +
        return 4;   /* fail */

    Initialize the DIB.  Negative height means to use top-down BMP ordering
    (must be uncompressed, but that's what we want).  Bit count of 1, 4 or 8
    implies a colormap of RGBX quads, but 24-bit BMPs just use B,G,R values
    directly => wimage_data begins immediately after BMP header.

    memset(dib, 0, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER));
    bmih = (BITMAPINFOHEADER *)dib;
    bmih->biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
    bmih->biWidth = image_width;
    bmih->biHeight = -((long)image_height);
    bmih->biPlanes = 1;
    bmih->biBitCount = 24;
    bmih->biCompression = 0;
    wimage_data = dib + sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);

    Fill in background color (black by default); data are in BGR order.

    for (j = 0;  j < image_height;  ++j) {
        dest = wimage_data + j*wimage_rowbytes;
        for (i = image_width;  i > 0;  --i) {
            *dest++ = bg_blue;
            *dest++ = bg_green;
            *dest++ = bg_red;

    Set the window parameters.

    memset(&wndclass, 0, sizeof(wndclass));

    wndclass.cbSize = sizeof(wndclass); = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW;
    wndclass.lpfnWndProc = sxpm_win_wndproc;
    wndclass.hInstance = hInst;
    wndclass.hIcon = LoadIcon(NULL, IDI_APPLICATION);
    wndclass.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW);
    wndclass.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)GetStockObject(DKGRAY_BRUSH);
    wndclass.lpszMenuName = NULL;
    wndclass.lpszClassName = progname;
    wndclass.hIconSm = LoadIcon(NULL, IDI_APPLICATION);


    Finally, create the window.

    extra_width  = 2*(GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXBORDER) +
    extra_height = 2*(GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYBORDER) +
                      GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYDLGFRAME)) +

    global_hwnd = CreateWindow(progname, titlebar, WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW,
      CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, image_width+extra_width,
      image_height+extra_height, NULL, NULL, hInst, NULL);

    ShowWindow(global_hwnd, showmode);

    return 0;

} /* end function sxpm_win_create_window() */

static int
    uch *src, *dest;
    uch r, g, b, a;
    ulg i, row, lastrow, mr, mc;
    RECT rect;
    COLORREF *colortbl = NULL;
    COLORREF color;
    int transp_idx, transp;
    unsigned char *dptr;
    unsigned int *sptr;
    unsigned char *data;
    int image_channels;

    transp = FALSE;
    Trace((stderr, "(width = %ld, height = %ld)\n",
          xpmimage.width, xpmimage.height))
    Trace((stderr, "scaled to (width = %ld, height = %ld)\n",
          image_width, image_height))

    /* build a color table */
    Trace((stderr, "Creating the colortable\n"))
    colortbl = (COLORREF*)calloc(xpmimage.ncolors, sizeof(COLORREF));
    if (!colortbl)
      return 1;

    for (i = 0; i < (ulg) xpmimage.ncolors; i++)
      XpmColor c = xpmimage.colorTable[i];
      const char* colorname = 
        (c.c_color ? c.c_color :
         (c.g_color ? c.g_color :
          (c.g4_color ? c.g4_color :
           (c.m_color ? c.m_color : NULL))));
#ifdef DEBUG
      if (c.symbolic)
        if (  !strcasecmp (c.symbolic, "BgColor")
           || !strcasecmp (c.symbolic, "None"))
          transp = TRUE;
          colortbl[i] = 0x00ffffff; /* don't care */
          transp_idx = i;
        else if (colorname == 0)
          free (colortbl);
          return 1;
      if (!strcasecmp (colorname, "None"))
        transp = TRUE;
        colortbl[i] = 0x00ffffff; /* don't care */
        transp_idx = i;
      if (colorname == 0)
        free (colortbl);
        return 1;
      colortbl[i] = mswindows_string_to_color(colorname);
      Trace((stderr, "%d: 0x%08x\n", i, colortbl[i]))
    Trace((stderr, "Finished creating the colortable\n"))

    /* allocate intermediate storage. could do this all at once
       when blitting to screen buffer, but this is simpler. */
    image_channels = (transp ? 4 : 3);
    data = (unsigned char *)malloc(image_channels * xpmimage.width * 
    if (!data)
      return 1;

    /* convert the image */
    Trace((stderr, "Creating the raster image\n"))
    sptr =;
    dptr = data;
    for (i = 0; i < xpmimage.width * xpmimage.height; i++)
      color = colortbl[*sptr];
      if (transp)
        if (*sptr == transp_idx)
          a=0x00; /* fully transparent */
          /* split out the 0x02bbggrr colorref into an rgb triple */
          r=color         & 0x00ff; /* red */
          g=(color >> 8 ) & 0x00ff; /* green */
          b=(color >> 16) & 0x00ff; /* blue */
          a=0xff; /* not transparent */
#if 0
        Trace((stderr, "pixel %d (color %d): (r/g/b/a)=(%02x/%02x/%02x/%0x2)\n",
               i, *sptr, r, g, b, a));
      } else {
        /* split out the 0x02bbggrr colorref into an rgb triple */
        r=color         & 0x00ff; /* red */
        g=(color >> 8 ) & 0x00ff; /* green */
        b=(color >> 16) & 0x00ff; /* blue */
#if 0
        Trace((stderr, "pixel %d (color %d): (r/g/b)=(%02x/%02x/%02x)\n",
               i, *sptr, r, g, b));

      if (transp)
    free (colortbl);
    Trace((stderr, "Finished creating the raster image\n"))
    Blast image data to buffer.  This whole routine takes place before the
    message loop begins, so there's no real point in any pseudo-progressive

    Trace((stderr, "Compositing to the window\n"))
    for (lastrow = row = 0;  row < xpmimage.height;  ++row)
        for (mr = 0; mr < zoom_value; mr++)
            src = data + row*xpmimage.width*image_channels;
            dest = wimage_data + (mr+row*zoom_value)*wimage_rowbytes;
            if (image_channels == 3)
                for (i = xpmimage.width;  i > 0;  --i)
                    r = *src++;
                    g = *src++;
                    b = *src++;
                    for (mc = 0; mc < zoom_value; mc++)
                        *dest++ = b;
                        *dest++ = g;   /* note reverse order */
                        *dest++ = r;
            } else /* if (image_channels == 4) */ {
                for (i = xpmimage.width;  i > 0;  --i)
                    r = *src++;
                    g = *src++;
                    b = *src++;
                    a = *src++;
                    for (mc = 0; mc < zoom_value; mc++)
                        if (a == 255) {
                            *dest++ = b;
                            *dest++ = g;
                            *dest++ = r;
                        } else if (a == 0) {
                            *dest++ = bg_blue;
                            *dest++ = bg_green;
                            *dest++ = bg_red;
                        } else {
                            /* this macro (copied from png.h) composites the
                             * foreground and background values and puts the
                             * result into the first argument; there are no
                             * side effects with the first argument */
                            alpha_composite(*dest++, b, a, bg_blue);
                            alpha_composite(*dest++, g, a, bg_green);
                            alpha_composite(*dest++, r, a, bg_red);
        /* display after every 16 lines */
        if (((row+1) & 0xf) == 0) {
            rect.left = 0L;
   = (LONG)lastrow * zoom_value;
            rect.right = (LONG)image_width;                  /* possibly off by 
one? */
            rect.bottom = (LONG)(lastrow + 16L)*zoom_value;  /* possibly off by 
one? */
            InvalidateRect(global_hwnd, &rect, FALSE);
            UpdateWindow(global_hwnd);     /* similar to XFlush() */
            lastrow = row + 1;
    free (data);
    Trace((stderr, "Finished compositing to the window\n"))

    Trace((stderr, "calling final image-flush routine\n"))
    if (lastrow < image_height) {
        rect.left = 0L; = (LONG)lastrow;
        rect.right = (LONG)image_width;      /* possibly off by one? */
        rect.bottom = (LONG)image_height;    /* possibly off by one? */
        InvalidateRect(global_hwnd, &rect, FALSE);
        UpdateWindow(global_hwnd);     /* similar to XFlush() */

    last param determines whether or not background is wiped before paint
    InvalidateRect(global_hwnd, NULL, TRUE);

    return 0;

static void
    if (have_xpm == TRUE) {
    if (dib) {
        dib = NULL;

LRESULT CALLBACK sxpm_win_wndproc(HWND hwnd, UINT iMsg, WPARAM wP, LPARAM lP)
    HDC         hdc;
    int rc;

    switch (iMsg) {
        case WM_CREATE:
            /* one-time processing here, if any */
            return 0;

        case WM_PAINT:
            hdc = BeginPaint(hwnd, &ps);
                    /*                    dest                          */
            rc = StretchDIBits(hdc, 0, 0, image_width, image_height,
                    /*                    source                        */
                                    0, 0, image_width, image_height,
                                    wimage_data, (BITMAPINFO *)bmih,
                    /*              iUsage: no clue                     */
                                    0, SRCCOPY);
            EndPaint(hwnd, &ps);
            return 0;

        /* wait for the user to tell us when to quit */
        case WM_CHAR:
            switch (wP) {      /* only need one, so ignore repeat count */
                case 'q':
                case 'Q':
                case 0x1B:     /* Esc key */
            return 0;

        case WM_LBUTTONDOWN:   /* another way of quitting */
        case WM_DESTROY:
            return 0;

    return DefWindowProc(hwnd, iMsg, wP, lP);

static void
usage(FILE* f, const char* prog)
  int xpmIncVer=XpmLibraryVersion();
  int xpmFmt=(int)( ((float)xpmIncVer) / 10000.0F);
  int xpmVer=xpmIncVer - xpmFmt*10000;
  xpmVer=(int)( ((float)xpmVer) / 100.0F);
  int xpmRev=xpmIncVer - xpmFmt*10000 - xpmVer*100;

  fprintf(f, "%s %s:  %s\n", prog, VERSION, LONGNAME);
  fprintf(f, "compiled against libXpm version:   %d.%d.%d (%d)\n",
    XpmFormat, XpmVersion, XpmRevision, XpmIncludeVersion);
  fprintf(f, "libXpm itself compiled as version: %d.%d.%d (%d)\n",
    xpmFmt, xpmVer, xpmRev, xpmIncVer);
  fprintf(f, "\n"
    "Usage:  %s [--bgcolor bg] [--zoom sc] [-hv] file.xpm\n\n"
    "   -b, --bgcolor=bg     desired background color in one of several\n"
    "                        formats, or wellknown color names. Formats\n"
    "                        include: #rrggbb, #rrrgggbbb, #rrrrggggbbbb,\n"
    "                        rgb:rrrr/gggg/bbbb, MediumPurple4, Gray85, ...\n"
    "                        This only matters with transparent images.\n"
    "   -z, --zoom=sc        desired scale (must be 1 or larger integer)\n"
    "   -h, --help           display this help\n"
    "   -v, --verbose        display XPM information\n"
    "\nPress Q, Esc or mouse button 1 (within image window, after image\n"
    "is displayed) to quit.\n"
    "\n", prog);

static void dump_color(int n)
   XpmColor c = xpmimage.colorTable[n];
   fprintf(stderr, "%d: '%s' '%s' m'%s' g4'%s' g'%s' c'%s'\n",
      (c.string   ? c.string   : "(null)"),
      (c.symbolic ? c.symbolic : "(null)"),
      (c.m_color  ? c.m_color  : "(null)"),
      (c.g4_color ? c.g4_color : "(null)"),
      (c.g_color  ? c.g_color  : "(null)"),
      (c.c_color  ? c.c_color  : "(null)"));

static void dump_xpm(void)
   int n;

   fprintf(stderr, "WxH = %dx%d\n", xpmimage.width, xpmimage.height);
   fprintf(stderr, "cpp = %d\n", xpmimage.cpp);
   fprintf(stderr, "ncol= %d\n", xpmimage.ncolors);
   for (n = 0; n < xpmimage.ncolors; n++) {
#if 0
   for (n = 0; n < xpmimage.width * xpmimage.height; n++) {
     fprintf(stderr, "%d\n",[n]);

/* =============================================================
 * The following helper functions were adapted from XEmacs,
 * objects-msw.c.  This isn't the "normal" Xpm way to do things;
 * libXpm-noX exports windows versions of XParseColor and
 * XAllocColor, which do much the same thing. But this seemed
 * less obtuse to me. It's just a demo/test program anyway...
 * =============================================================

/* mswindows-specific Lisp objects.
   Copyright (C) 1993, 1994 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
   Copyright (C) 1995 Board of Trustees, University of Illinois.
   Copyright (C) 1995 Tinker Systems.
   Copyright (C) 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2004 Ben Wing.
   Copyright (C) 1995 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
   Copyright (C) 1997 Jonathan Harris.

This file is part of XEmacs.

XEmacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
later version.

XEmacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with XEmacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.  */

typedef struct colormap_t
  const char *name;
  COLORREF colorref;
} colormap_t;

/* Colors from X11R6 "XConsortium: rgb.txt,v 10.41 94/02/20 18:39:36 rws Exp" */
/* MSWindows tends to round up the numbers in its palette, ie where X uses
 * 127, MSWindows uses 128. Colors commented as "Adjusted" are tweaked to
 * match the Windows standard palette to increase the likelihood of
 * mswindows_color_to_string() finding a named match.
static const colormap_t mswindows_X_color_map[] =
  {"white"              , PALETTERGB (255, 255, 255) },
  {"black"              , PALETTERGB (0, 0, 0) },
  {"snow"               , PALETTERGB (255, 250, 250) },
  {"GhostWhite"         , PALETTERGB (248, 248, 255) },
  {"WhiteSmoke"         , PALETTERGB (245, 245, 245) },
  {"gainsboro"          , PALETTERGB (220, 220, 220) },
  {"FloralWhite"        , PALETTERGB (255, 250, 240) },
  {"OldLace"            , PALETTERGB (253, 245, 230) },
  {"linen"              , PALETTERGB (250, 240, 230) },
  {"AntiqueWhite"       , PALETTERGB (250, 235, 215) },
  {"PapayaWhip"         , PALETTERGB (255, 239, 213) },
  {"BlanchedAlmond"     , PALETTERGB (255, 235, 205) },
  {"bisque"             , PALETTERGB (255, 228, 196) },
  {"PeachPuff"          , PALETTERGB (255, 218, 185) },
  {"NavajoWhite"        , PALETTERGB (255, 222, 173) },
  {"moccasin"           , PALETTERGB (255, 228, 181) },
  {"cornsilk"           , PALETTERGB (255, 248, 220) },
  {"ivory"              , PALETTERGB (255, 255, 240) },
  {"LemonChiffon"       , PALETTERGB (255, 250, 205) },
  {"seashell"           , PALETTERGB (255, 245, 238) },
  {"honeydew"           , PALETTERGB (240, 255, 240) },
  {"MintCream"          , PALETTERGB (245, 255, 250) },
  {"azure"              , PALETTERGB (240, 255, 255) },
  {"AliceBlue"          , PALETTERGB (240, 248, 255) },
  {"lavender"           , PALETTERGB (230, 230, 250) },
  {"LavenderBlush"      , PALETTERGB (255, 240, 245) },
  {"MistyRose"          , PALETTERGB (255, 228, 225) },
  {"DarkSlateGray"      , PALETTERGB (47, 79, 79) },
  {"DarkSlateGrey"      , PALETTERGB (47, 79, 79) },
  {"DimGray"            , PALETTERGB (105, 105, 105) },
  {"DimGrey"            , PALETTERGB (105, 105, 105) },
  {"SlateGray"          , PALETTERGB (112, 128, 144) },
  {"SlateGrey"          , PALETTERGB (112, 128, 144) },
  {"LightSlateGray"     , PALETTERGB (119, 136, 153) },
  {"LightSlateGrey"     , PALETTERGB (119, 136, 153) },
  {"gray"               , PALETTERGB (190, 190, 190) },
  {"grey"               , PALETTERGB (190, 190, 190) },
  {"LightGrey"          , PALETTERGB (211, 211, 211) },
  {"LightGray"          , PALETTERGB (211, 211, 211) },
  {"MidnightBlue"       , PALETTERGB (25, 25, 112) },
  {"navy"               , PALETTERGB (0, 0, 128) },
  {"NavyBlue"           , PALETTERGB (0, 0, 128) },
  {"CornflowerBlue"     , PALETTERGB (100, 149, 237) },
  {"DarkSlateBlue"      , PALETTERGB (72, 61, 139) },
  {"SlateBlue"          , PALETTERGB (106, 90, 205) },
  {"MediumSlateBlue"    , PALETTERGB (123, 104, 238) },
  {"LightSlateBlue"     , PALETTERGB (132, 112, 255) },
  {"MediumBlue"         , PALETTERGB (0, 0, 205) },
  {"RoyalBlue"          , PALETTERGB (65, 105, 225) },
  {"blue"               , PALETTERGB (0, 0, 255) },
  {"DodgerBlue"         , PALETTERGB (30, 144, 255) },
  {"DeepSkyBlue"        , PALETTERGB (0, 191, 255) },
  {"SkyBlue"            , PALETTERGB (135, 206, 235) },
  {"LightSkyBlue"       , PALETTERGB (135, 206, 250) },
  {"SteelBlue"          , PALETTERGB (70, 130, 180) },
  {"LightSteelBlue"     , PALETTERGB (176, 196, 222) },
  {"LightBlue"          , PALETTERGB (173, 216, 230) },
  {"PowderBlue"         , PALETTERGB (176, 224, 230) },
  {"PaleTurquoise"      , PALETTERGB (175, 238, 238) },
  {"DarkTurquoise"      , PALETTERGB (0, 206, 209) },
  {"MediumTurquoise"    , PALETTERGB (72, 209, 204) },
  {"turquoise"          , PALETTERGB (64, 224, 208) },
  {"cyan"               , PALETTERGB (0, 255, 255) },
  {"LightCyan"          , PALETTERGB (224, 255, 255) },
  {"CadetBlue"          , PALETTERGB (95, 158, 160) },
  {"MediumAquamarine"   , PALETTERGB (102, 205, 170) },
  {"aquamarine"         , PALETTERGB (127, 255, 212) },
  {"DarkGreen"          , PALETTERGB (0, 128, 0) },     /* Adjusted */
  {"DarkOliveGreen"     , PALETTERGB (85, 107, 47) },
  {"DarkSeaGreen"       , PALETTERGB (143, 188, 143) },
  {"SeaGreen"           , PALETTERGB (46, 139, 87) },
  {"MediumSeaGreen"     , PALETTERGB (60, 179, 113) },
  {"LightSeaGreen"      , PALETTERGB (32, 178, 170) },
  {"PaleGreen"          , PALETTERGB (152, 251, 152) },
  {"SpringGreen"        , PALETTERGB (0, 255, 127) },
  {"LawnGreen"          , PALETTERGB (124, 252, 0) },
  {"green"              , PALETTERGB (0, 255, 0) },
  {"chartreuse"         , PALETTERGB (127, 255, 0) },
  {"MediumSpringGreen"  , PALETTERGB (0, 250, 154) },
  {"GreenYellow"        , PALETTERGB (173, 255, 47) },
  {"LimeGreen"          , PALETTERGB (50, 205, 50) },
  {"YellowGreen"        , PALETTERGB (154, 205, 50) },
  {"ForestGreen"        , PALETTERGB (34, 139, 34) },
  {"OliveDrab"          , PALETTERGB (107, 142, 35) },
  {"DarkKhaki"          , PALETTERGB (189, 183, 107) },
  {"khaki"              , PALETTERGB (240, 230, 140) },
  {"PaleGoldenrod"      , PALETTERGB (238, 232, 170) },
  {"LightGoldenrodYellow", PALETTERGB (250, 250, 210) },
  {"LightYellow"        , PALETTERGB (255, 255, 224) },
  {"LightYellow"        , PALETTERGB (255, 255, 225) }, /* Adjusted */
  {"yellow"             , PALETTERGB (255, 255, 0) },
  {"gold"               , PALETTERGB (255, 215, 0) },
  {"LightGoldenrod"     , PALETTERGB (238, 221, 130) },
  {"goldenrod"          , PALETTERGB (218, 165, 32) },
  {"DarkGoldenrod"      , PALETTERGB (184, 134, 11) },
  {"RosyBrown"          , PALETTERGB (188, 143, 143) },
  {"IndianRed"          , PALETTERGB (205, 92, 92) },
  {"SaddleBrown"        , PALETTERGB (139, 69, 19) },
  {"sienna"             , PALETTERGB (160, 82, 45) },
  {"peru"               , PALETTERGB (205, 133, 63) },
  {"burlywood"          , PALETTERGB (222, 184, 135) },
  {"beige"              , PALETTERGB (245, 245, 220) },
  {"wheat"              , PALETTERGB (245, 222, 179) },
  {"SandyBrown"         , PALETTERGB (244, 164, 96) },
  {"tan"                , PALETTERGB (210, 180, 140) },
  {"chocolate"          , PALETTERGB (210, 105, 30) },
  {"firebrick"          , PALETTERGB (178, 34, 34) },
  {"brown"              , PALETTERGB (165, 42, 42) },
  {"DarkSalmon"         , PALETTERGB (233, 150, 122) },
  {"salmon"             , PALETTERGB (250, 128, 114) },
  {"LightSalmon"        , PALETTERGB (255, 160, 122) },
  {"orange"             , PALETTERGB (255, 165, 0) },
  {"DarkOrange"         , PALETTERGB (255, 140, 0) },
  {"coral"              , PALETTERGB (255, 127, 80) },
  {"LightCoral"         , PALETTERGB (240, 128, 128) },
  {"tomato"             , PALETTERGB (255, 99, 71) },
  {"OrangeRed"          , PALETTERGB (255, 69, 0) },
  {"red"                , PALETTERGB (255, 0, 0) },
  {"HotPink"            , PALETTERGB (255, 105, 180) },
  {"DeepPink"           , PALETTERGB (255, 20, 147) },
  {"pink"               , PALETTERGB (255, 192, 203) },
  {"LightPink"          , PALETTERGB (255, 182, 193) },
  {"PaleVioletRed"      , PALETTERGB (219, 112, 147) },
  {"maroon"             , PALETTERGB (176, 48, 96) },
  {"MediumVioletRed"    , PALETTERGB (199, 21, 133) },
  {"VioletRed"          , PALETTERGB (208, 32, 144) },
  {"magenta"            , PALETTERGB (255, 0, 255) },
  {"violet"             , PALETTERGB (238, 130, 238) },
  {"plum"               , PALETTERGB (221, 160, 221) },
  {"orchid"             , PALETTERGB (218, 112, 214) },
  {"MediumOrchid"       , PALETTERGB (186, 85, 211) },
  {"DarkOrchid"         , PALETTERGB (153, 50, 204) },
  {"DarkViolet"         , PALETTERGB (148, 0, 211) },
  {"BlueViolet"         , PALETTERGB (138, 43, 226) },
  {"purple"             , PALETTERGB (160, 32, 240) },
  {"MediumPurple"       , PALETTERGB (147, 112, 219) },
  {"thistle"            , PALETTERGB (216, 191, 216) },
  {"snow1"              , PALETTERGB (255, 250, 250) },
  {"snow2"              , PALETTERGB (238, 233, 233) },
  {"snow3"              , PALETTERGB (205, 201, 201) },
  {"snow4"              , PALETTERGB (139, 137, 137) },
  {"seashell1"          , PALETTERGB (255, 245, 238) },
  {"seashell2"          , PALETTERGB (238, 229, 222) },
  {"seashell3"          , PALETTERGB (205, 197, 191) },
  {"seashell4"          , PALETTERGB (139, 134, 130) },
  {"AntiqueWhite1"      , PALETTERGB (255, 239, 219) },
  {"AntiqueWhite2"      , PALETTERGB (238, 223, 204) },
  {"AntiqueWhite3"      , PALETTERGB (205, 192, 176) },
  {"AntiqueWhite4"      , PALETTERGB (139, 131, 120) },
  {"bisque1"            , PALETTERGB (255, 228, 196) },
  {"bisque2"            , PALETTERGB (238, 213, 183) },
  {"bisque3"            , PALETTERGB (205, 183, 158) },
  {"bisque4"            , PALETTERGB (139, 125, 107) },
  {"PeachPuff1"         , PALETTERGB (255, 218, 185) },
  {"PeachPuff2"         , PALETTERGB (238, 203, 173) },
  {"PeachPuff3"         , PALETTERGB (205, 175, 149) },
  {"PeachPuff4"         , PALETTERGB (139, 119, 101) },
  {"NavajoWhite1"       , PALETTERGB (255, 222, 173) },
  {"NavajoWhite2"       , PALETTERGB (238, 207, 161) },
  {"NavajoWhite3"       , PALETTERGB (205, 179, 139) },
  {"NavajoWhite4"       , PALETTERGB (139, 121, 94) },
  {"LemonChiffon1"      , PALETTERGB (255, 250, 205) },
  {"LemonChiffon2"      , PALETTERGB (238, 233, 191) },
  {"LemonChiffon3"      , PALETTERGB (205, 201, 165) },
  {"LemonChiffon4"      , PALETTERGB (139, 137, 112) },
  {"cornsilk1"          , PALETTERGB (255, 248, 220) },
  {"cornsilk2"          , PALETTERGB (238, 232, 205) },
  {"cornsilk3"          , PALETTERGB (205, 200, 177) },
  {"cornsilk4"          , PALETTERGB (139, 136, 120) },
  {"ivory1"             , PALETTERGB (255, 255, 240) },
  {"ivory2"             , PALETTERGB (240, 240, 208) }, /* Adjusted */
  {"ivory3"             , PALETTERGB (205, 205, 193) },
  {"ivory4"             , PALETTERGB (139, 139, 131) },
  {"honeydew1"          , PALETTERGB (240, 255, 240) },
  {"honeydew2"          , PALETTERGB (224, 238, 224) },
  {"honeydew3"          , PALETTERGB (193, 205, 193) },
  {"honeydew4"          , PALETTERGB (131, 139, 131) },
  {"LavenderBlush1"     , PALETTERGB (255, 240, 245) },
  {"LavenderBlush2"     , PALETTERGB (238, 224, 229) },
  {"LavenderBlush3"     , PALETTERGB (205, 193, 197) },
  {"LavenderBlush4"     , PALETTERGB (139, 131, 134) },
  {"MistyRose1"         , PALETTERGB (255, 228, 225) },
  {"MistyRose2"         , PALETTERGB (238, 213, 210) },
  {"MistyRose3"         , PALETTERGB (205, 183, 181) },
  {"MistyRose4"         , PALETTERGB (139, 125, 123) },
  {"azure1"             , PALETTERGB (240, 255, 255) },
  {"azure2"             , PALETTERGB (224, 238, 238) },
  {"azure3"             , PALETTERGB (193, 205, 205) },
  {"azure4"             , PALETTERGB (131, 139, 139) },
  {"SlateBlue1"         , PALETTERGB (131, 111, 255) },
  {"SlateBlue2"         , PALETTERGB (122, 103, 238) },
  {"SlateBlue3"         , PALETTERGB (105, 89, 205) },
  {"SlateBlue4"         , PALETTERGB (71, 60, 139) },
  {"RoyalBlue1"         , PALETTERGB (72, 118, 255) },
  {"RoyalBlue2"         , PALETTERGB (67, 110, 238) },
  {"RoyalBlue3"         , PALETTERGB (58, 95, 205) },
  {"RoyalBlue4"         , PALETTERGB (39, 64, 139) },
  {"blue1"              , PALETTERGB (0, 0, 255) },
  {"blue2"              , PALETTERGB (0, 0, 238) },
  {"blue3"              , PALETTERGB (0, 0, 205) },
  {"blue4"              , PALETTERGB (0, 0, 139) },
  {"DodgerBlue1"        , PALETTERGB (30, 144, 255) },
  {"DodgerBlue2"        , PALETTERGB (28, 134, 238) },
  {"DodgerBlue3"        , PALETTERGB (24, 116, 205) },
  {"DodgerBlue4"        , PALETTERGB (16, 78, 139) },
  {"SteelBlue1"         , PALETTERGB (99, 184, 255) },
  {"SteelBlue2"         , PALETTERGB (92, 172, 238) },
  {"SteelBlue3"         , PALETTERGB (79, 148, 205) },
  {"SteelBlue4"         , PALETTERGB (54, 100, 139) },
  {"DeepSkyBlue1"       , PALETTERGB (0, 191, 255) },
  {"DeepSkyBlue2"       , PALETTERGB (0, 178, 238) },
  {"DeepSkyBlue3"       , PALETTERGB (0, 154, 205) },
  {"DeepSkyBlue4"       , PALETTERGB (0, 104, 139) },
  {"SkyBlue1"           , PALETTERGB (135, 206, 255) },
  {"SkyBlue2"           , PALETTERGB (126, 192, 238) },
  {"SkyBlue3"           , PALETTERGB (108, 166, 205) },
  {"SkyBlue4"           , PALETTERGB (74, 112, 139) },
  {"LightSkyBlue1"      , PALETTERGB (176, 226, 255) },
  {"LightSkyBlue2"      , PALETTERGB (164, 211, 238) },
  {"LightSkyBlue3"      , PALETTERGB (141, 182, 205) },
  {"LightSkyBlue4"      , PALETTERGB (96, 123, 139) },
  {"SlateGray1"         , PALETTERGB (198, 226, 255) },
  {"SlateGray2"         , PALETTERGB (185, 211, 238) },
  {"SlateGray3"         , PALETTERGB (159, 182, 205) },
  {"SlateGray4"         , PALETTERGB (108, 123, 139) },
  {"LightSteelBlue1"    , PALETTERGB (202, 225, 255) },
  {"LightSteelBlue2"    , PALETTERGB (188, 210, 238) },
  {"LightSteelBlue3"    , PALETTERGB (162, 181, 205) },
  {"LightSteelBlue4"    , PALETTERGB (110, 123, 139) },
  {"LightBlue1"         , PALETTERGB (191, 239, 255) },
  {"LightBlue2"         , PALETTERGB (178, 223, 238) },
  {"LightBlue3"         , PALETTERGB (154, 192, 205) },
  {"LightBlue4"         , PALETTERGB (104, 131, 139) },
  {"LightCyan1"         , PALETTERGB (224, 255, 255) },
  {"LightCyan2"         , PALETTERGB (209, 238, 238) },
  {"LightCyan3"         , PALETTERGB (180, 205, 205) },
  {"LightCyan4"         , PALETTERGB (122, 139, 139) },
  {"PaleTurquoise1"     , PALETTERGB (187, 255, 255) },
  {"PaleTurquoise2"     , PALETTERGB (174, 238, 238) },
  {"PaleTurquoise3"     , PALETTERGB (150, 205, 205) },
  {"PaleTurquoise4"     , PALETTERGB (102, 139, 139) },
  {"CadetBlue1"         , PALETTERGB (152, 245, 255) },
  {"CadetBlue2"         , PALETTERGB (144, 220, 240) }, /* Adjusted */
  {"CadetBlue3"         , PALETTERGB (122, 197, 205) },
  {"CadetBlue4"         , PALETTERGB (83, 134, 139) },
  {"turquoise1"         , PALETTERGB (0, 245, 255) },
  {"turquoise2"         , PALETTERGB (0, 229, 238) },
  {"turquoise3"         , PALETTERGB (0, 197, 205) },
  {"turquoise4"         , PALETTERGB (0, 134, 139) },
  {"cyan1"              , PALETTERGB (0, 255, 255) },
  {"cyan2"              , PALETTERGB (0, 238, 238) },
  {"cyan3"              , PALETTERGB (0, 205, 205) },
  {"cyan4"              , PALETTERGB (0, 139, 139) },
  {"DarkSlateGray1"     , PALETTERGB (151, 255, 255) },
  {"DarkSlateGray2"     , PALETTERGB (141, 238, 238) },
  {"DarkSlateGray3"     , PALETTERGB (121, 205, 205) },
  {"DarkSlateGray4"     , PALETTERGB (82, 139, 139) },
  {"aquamarine1"        , PALETTERGB (127, 255, 212) },
  {"aquamarine2"        , PALETTERGB (118, 238, 198) },
  {"aquamarine3"        , PALETTERGB (102, 205, 170) },
  {"aquamarine4"        , PALETTERGB (69, 139, 116) },
  {"DarkSeaGreen1"      , PALETTERGB (193, 255, 193) },
  {"DarkSeaGreen2"      , PALETTERGB (180, 238, 180) },
  {"DarkSeaGreen3"      , PALETTERGB (155, 205, 155) },
  {"DarkSeaGreen4"      , PALETTERGB (105, 139, 105) },
  {"SeaGreen1"          , PALETTERGB (84, 255, 159) },
  {"SeaGreen2"          , PALETTERGB (78, 238, 148) },
  {"SeaGreen3"          , PALETTERGB (67, 205, 128) },
  {"SeaGreen4"          , PALETTERGB (46, 139, 87) },
  {"PaleGreen1"         , PALETTERGB (154, 255, 154) },
  {"PaleGreen2"         , PALETTERGB (144, 238, 144) },
  {"PaleGreen3"         , PALETTERGB (124, 205, 124) },
  {"PaleGreen4"         , PALETTERGB (84, 139, 84) },
  {"SpringGreen1"       , PALETTERGB (0, 255, 127) },
  {"SpringGreen2"       , PALETTERGB (0, 238, 118) },
  {"SpringGreen3"       , PALETTERGB (0, 205, 102) },
  {"SpringGreen4"       , PALETTERGB (0, 139, 69) },
  {"green1"             , PALETTERGB (0, 255, 0) },
  {"green2"             , PALETTERGB (0, 238, 0) },
  {"green3"             , PALETTERGB (0, 205, 0) },
  {"green4"             , PALETTERGB (0, 139, 0) },
  {"chartreuse1"        , PALETTERGB (127, 255, 0) },
  {"chartreuse2"        , PALETTERGB (118, 238, 0) },
  {"chartreuse3"        , PALETTERGB (102, 205, 0) },
  {"chartreuse4"        , PALETTERGB (69, 139, 0) },
  {"OliveDrab1"         , PALETTERGB (192, 255, 62) },
  {"OliveDrab2"         , PALETTERGB (179, 238, 58) },
  {"OliveDrab3"         , PALETTERGB (154, 205, 50) },
  {"OliveDrab4"         , PALETTERGB (105, 139, 34) },
  {"DarkOliveGreen1"    , PALETTERGB (202, 255, 112) },
  {"DarkOliveGreen2"    , PALETTERGB (188, 238, 104) },
  {"DarkOliveGreen3"    , PALETTERGB (162, 205, 90) },
  {"DarkOliveGreen4"    , PALETTERGB (110, 139, 61) },
  {"khaki1"             , PALETTERGB (255, 246, 143) },
  {"khaki2"             , PALETTERGB (238, 230, 133) },
  {"khaki3"             , PALETTERGB (205, 198, 115) },
  {"khaki4"             , PALETTERGB (139, 134, 78) },
  {"LightGoldenrod1"    , PALETTERGB (255, 236, 139) },
  {"LightGoldenrod2"    , PALETTERGB (238, 220, 130) },
  {"LightGoldenrod3"    , PALETTERGB (205, 190, 112) },
  {"LightGoldenrod4"    , PALETTERGB (139, 129, 76) },
  {"LightYellow1"       , PALETTERGB (255, 255, 224) },
  {"LightYellow2"       , PALETTERGB (238, 238, 209) },
  {"LightYellow3"       , PALETTERGB (205, 205, 180) },
  {"LightYellow4"       , PALETTERGB (139, 139, 122) },
  {"yellow1"            , PALETTERGB (255, 255, 0) },
  {"yellow2"            , PALETTERGB (238, 238, 0) },
  {"yellow3"            , PALETTERGB (205, 205, 0) },
  {"yellow4"            , PALETTERGB (139, 139, 0) },
  {"gold1"              , PALETTERGB (255, 215, 0) },
  {"gold2"              , PALETTERGB (238, 201, 0) },
  {"gold3"              , PALETTERGB (205, 173, 0) },
  {"gold4"              , PALETTERGB (139, 117, 0) },
  {"goldenrod1"         , PALETTERGB (255, 193, 37) },
  {"goldenrod2"         , PALETTERGB (238, 180, 34) },
  {"goldenrod3"         , PALETTERGB (205, 155, 29) },
  {"goldenrod4"         , PALETTERGB (139, 105, 20) },
  {"DarkGoldenrod1"     , PALETTERGB (255, 185, 15) },
  {"DarkGoldenrod2"     , PALETTERGB (238, 173, 14) },
  {"DarkGoldenrod3"     , PALETTERGB (205, 149, 12) },
  {"DarkGoldenrod4"     , PALETTERGB (139, 101, 8) },
  {"RosyBrown1"         , PALETTERGB (255, 193, 193) },
  {"RosyBrown2"         , PALETTERGB (238, 180, 180) },
  {"RosyBrown3"         , PALETTERGB (205, 155, 155) },
  {"RosyBrown4"         , PALETTERGB (139, 105, 105) },
  {"IndianRed1"         , PALETTERGB (255, 106, 106) },
  {"IndianRed2"         , PALETTERGB (238, 99, 99) },
  {"IndianRed3"         , PALETTERGB (205, 85, 85) },
  {"IndianRed4"         , PALETTERGB (139, 58, 58) },
  {"sienna1"            , PALETTERGB (255, 130, 71) },
  {"sienna2"            , PALETTERGB (238, 121, 66) },
  {"sienna3"            , PALETTERGB (205, 104, 57) },
  {"sienna4"            , PALETTERGB (139, 71, 38) },
  {"burlywood1"         , PALETTERGB (255, 211, 155) },
  {"burlywood2"         , PALETTERGB (238, 197, 145) },
  {"burlywood3"         , PALETTERGB (205, 170, 125) },
  {"burlywood4"         , PALETTERGB (139, 115, 85) },
  {"wheat1"             , PALETTERGB (255, 231, 186) },
  {"wheat2"             , PALETTERGB (238, 216, 174) },
  {"wheat3"             , PALETTERGB (205, 186, 150) },
  {"wheat4"             , PALETTERGB (139, 126, 102) },
  {"tan1"               , PALETTERGB (255, 165, 79) },
  {"tan2"               , PALETTERGB (238, 154, 73) },
  {"tan3"               , PALETTERGB (205, 133, 63) },
  {"tan4"               , PALETTERGB (139, 90, 43) },
  {"chocolate1"         , PALETTERGB (255, 127, 36) },
  {"chocolate2"         , PALETTERGB (238, 118, 33) },
  {"chocolate3"         , PALETTERGB (205, 102, 29) },
  {"chocolate4"         , PALETTERGB (139, 69, 19) },
  {"firebrick1"         , PALETTERGB (255, 48, 48) },
  {"firebrick2"         , PALETTERGB (238, 44, 44) },
  {"firebrick3"         , PALETTERGB (205, 38, 38) },
  {"firebrick4"         , PALETTERGB (139, 26, 26) },
  {"brown1"             , PALETTERGB (255, 64, 64) },
  {"brown2"             , PALETTERGB (238, 59, 59) },
  {"brown3"             , PALETTERGB (205, 51, 51) },
  {"brown4"             , PALETTERGB (139, 35, 35) },
  {"salmon1"            , PALETTERGB (255, 140, 105) },
  {"salmon2"            , PALETTERGB (238, 130, 98) },
  {"salmon3"            , PALETTERGB (205, 112, 84) },
  {"salmon4"            , PALETTERGB (139, 76, 57) },
  {"LightSalmon1"       , PALETTERGB (255, 160, 122) },
  {"LightSalmon2"       , PALETTERGB (238, 149, 114) },
  {"LightSalmon3"       , PALETTERGB (205, 129, 98) },
  {"LightSalmon4"       , PALETTERGB (139, 87, 66) },
  {"orange1"            , PALETTERGB (255, 165, 0) },
  {"orange2"            , PALETTERGB (238, 154, 0) },
  {"orange3"            , PALETTERGB (205, 133, 0) },
  {"orange4"            , PALETTERGB (139, 90, 0) },
  {"DarkOrange1"        , PALETTERGB (255, 127, 0) },
  {"DarkOrange2"        , PALETTERGB (238, 118, 0) },
  {"DarkOrange3"        , PALETTERGB (205, 102, 0) },
  {"DarkOrange4"        , PALETTERGB (139, 69, 0) },
  {"coral1"             , PALETTERGB (255, 114, 86) },
  {"coral2"             , PALETTERGB (238, 106, 80) },
  {"coral3"             , PALETTERGB (205, 91, 69) },
  {"coral4"             , PALETTERGB (139, 62, 47) },
  {"tomato1"            , PALETTERGB (255, 99, 71) },
  {"tomato2"            , PALETTERGB (238, 92, 66) },
  {"tomato3"            , PALETTERGB (205, 79, 57) },
  {"tomato4"            , PALETTERGB (139, 54, 38) },
  {"OrangeRed1"         , PALETTERGB (255, 69, 0) },
  {"OrangeRed2"         , PALETTERGB (238, 64, 0) },
  {"OrangeRed3"         , PALETTERGB (205, 55, 0) },
  {"OrangeRed4"         , PALETTERGB (139, 37, 0) },
  {"red1"               , PALETTERGB (255, 0, 0) },
  {"red2"               , PALETTERGB (238, 0, 0) },
  {"red3"               , PALETTERGB (205, 0, 0) },
  {"red4"               , PALETTERGB (139, 0, 0) },
  {"DeepPink1"          , PALETTERGB (255, 20, 147) },
  {"DeepPink2"          , PALETTERGB (238, 18, 137) },
  {"DeepPink3"          , PALETTERGB (205, 16, 118) },
  {"DeepPink4"          , PALETTERGB (139, 10, 80) },
  {"HotPink1"           , PALETTERGB (255, 110, 180) },
  {"HotPink2"           , PALETTERGB (238, 106, 167) },
  {"HotPink3"           , PALETTERGB (205, 96, 144) },
  {"HotPink4"           , PALETTERGB (139, 58, 98) },
  {"pink1"              , PALETTERGB (255, 181, 197) },
  {"pink2"              , PALETTERGB (238, 169, 184) },
  {"pink3"              , PALETTERGB (205, 145, 158) },
  {"pink4"              , PALETTERGB (139, 99, 108) },
  {"LightPink1"         , PALETTERGB (255, 174, 185) },
  {"LightPink2"         , PALETTERGB (238, 162, 173) },
  {"LightPink3"         , PALETTERGB (205, 140, 149) },
  {"LightPink4"         , PALETTERGB (139, 95, 101) },
  {"PaleVioletRed1"     , PALETTERGB (255, 130, 171) },
  {"PaleVioletRed2"     , PALETTERGB (238, 121, 159) },
  {"PaleVioletRed3"     , PALETTERGB (205, 104, 137) },
  {"PaleVioletRed4"     , PALETTERGB (139, 71, 93) },
  {"maroon1"            , PALETTERGB (255, 52, 179) },
  {"maroon2"            , PALETTERGB (238, 48, 167) },
  {"maroon3"            , PALETTERGB (205, 41, 144) },
  {"maroon4"            , PALETTERGB (139, 28, 98) },
  {"VioletRed1"         , PALETTERGB (255, 62, 150) },
  {"VioletRed2"         , PALETTERGB (238, 58, 140) },
  {"VioletRed3"         , PALETTERGB (205, 50, 120) },
  {"VioletRed4"         , PALETTERGB (139, 34, 82) },
  {"magenta1"           , PALETTERGB (255, 0, 255) },
  {"magenta2"           , PALETTERGB (238, 0, 238) },
  {"magenta3"           , PALETTERGB (205, 0, 205) },
  {"magenta4"           , PALETTERGB (139, 0, 139) },
  {"orchid1"            , PALETTERGB (255, 131, 250) },
  {"orchid2"            , PALETTERGB (238, 122, 233) },
  {"orchid3"            , PALETTERGB (205, 105, 201) },
  {"orchid4"            , PALETTERGB (139, 71, 137) },
  {"plum1"              , PALETTERGB (255, 187, 255) },
  {"plum2"              , PALETTERGB (238, 174, 238) },
  {"plum3"              , PALETTERGB (205, 150, 205) },
  {"plum4"              , PALETTERGB (139, 102, 139) },
  {"MediumOrchid1"      , PALETTERGB (224, 102, 255) },
  {"MediumOrchid2"      , PALETTERGB (209, 95, 238) },
  {"MediumOrchid3"      , PALETTERGB (180, 82, 205) },
  {"MediumOrchid4"      , PALETTERGB (122, 55, 139) },
  {"DarkOrchid1"        , PALETTERGB (191, 62, 255) },
  {"DarkOrchid2"        , PALETTERGB (178, 58, 238) },
  {"DarkOrchid3"        , PALETTERGB (154, 50, 205) },
  {"DarkOrchid4"        , PALETTERGB (104, 34, 139) },
  {"purple1"            , PALETTERGB (155, 48, 255) },
  {"purple2"            , PALETTERGB (145, 44, 238) },
  {"purple3"            , PALETTERGB (125, 38, 205) },
  {"purple4"            , PALETTERGB (85, 26, 139) },
  {"MediumPurple1"      , PALETTERGB (171, 130, 255) },
  {"MediumPurple2"      , PALETTERGB (159, 121, 238) },
  {"MediumPurple3"      , PALETTERGB (137, 104, 205) },
  {"MediumPurple4"      , PALETTERGB (93, 71, 139) },
  {"thistle1"           , PALETTERGB (255, 225, 255) },
  {"thistle2"           , PALETTERGB (238, 210, 238) },
  {"thistle3"           , PALETTERGB (205, 181, 205) },
  {"thistle4"           , PALETTERGB (139, 123, 139) },
  {"gray0"              , PALETTERGB (0, 0, 0) },
  {"grey0"              , PALETTERGB (0, 0, 0) },
  {"gray1"              , PALETTERGB (3, 3, 3) },
  {"grey1"              , PALETTERGB (3, 3, 3) },
  {"gray2"              , PALETTERGB (5, 5, 5) },
  {"grey2"              , PALETTERGB (5, 5, 5) },
  {"gray3"              , PALETTERGB (8, 8, 8) },
  {"grey3"              , PALETTERGB (8, 8, 8) },
  {"gray4"              , PALETTERGB (10, 10, 10) },
  {"grey4"              , PALETTERGB (10, 10, 10) },
  {"gray5"              , PALETTERGB (13, 13, 13) },
  {"grey5"              , PALETTERGB (13, 13, 13) },
  {"gray6"              , PALETTERGB (15, 15, 15) },
  {"grey6"              , PALETTERGB (15, 15, 15) },
  {"gray7"              , PALETTERGB (18, 18, 18) },
  {"grey7"              , PALETTERGB (18, 18, 18) },
  {"gray8"              , PALETTERGB (20, 20, 20) },
  {"grey8"              , PALETTERGB (20, 20, 20) },
  {"gray9"              , PALETTERGB (23, 23, 23) },
  {"grey9"              , PALETTERGB (23, 23, 23) },
  {"gray10"             , PALETTERGB (26, 26, 26) },
  {"grey10"             , PALETTERGB (26, 26, 26) },
  {"gray11"             , PALETTERGB (28, 28, 28) },
  {"grey11"             , PALETTERGB (28, 28, 28) },
  {"gray12"             , PALETTERGB (31, 31, 31) },
  {"grey12"             , PALETTERGB (31, 31, 31) },
  {"gray13"             , PALETTERGB (33, 33, 33) },
  {"grey13"             , PALETTERGB (33, 33, 33) },
  {"gray14"             , PALETTERGB (36, 36, 36) },
  {"grey14"             , PALETTERGB (36, 36, 36) },
  {"gray15"             , PALETTERGB (38, 38, 38) },
  {"grey15"             , PALETTERGB (38, 38, 38) },
  {"gray16"             , PALETTERGB (41, 41, 41) },
  {"grey16"             , PALETTERGB (41, 41, 41) },
  {"gray17"             , PALETTERGB (43, 43, 43) },
  {"grey17"             , PALETTERGB (43, 43, 43) },
  {"gray18"             , PALETTERGB (46, 46, 46) },
  {"grey18"             , PALETTERGB (46, 46, 46) },
  {"gray19"             , PALETTERGB (48, 48, 48) },
  {"grey19"             , PALETTERGB (48, 48, 48) },
  {"gray20"             , PALETTERGB (51, 51, 51) },
  {"grey20"             , PALETTERGB (51, 51, 51) },
  {"gray21"             , PALETTERGB (54, 54, 54) },
  {"grey21"             , PALETTERGB (54, 54, 54) },
  {"gray22"             , PALETTERGB (56, 56, 56) },
  {"grey22"             , PALETTERGB (56, 56, 56) },
  {"gray23"             , PALETTERGB (59, 59, 59) },
  {"grey23"             , PALETTERGB (59, 59, 59) },
  {"gray24"             , PALETTERGB (61, 61, 61) },
  {"grey24"             , PALETTERGB (61, 61, 61) },
  {"gray25"             , PALETTERGB (64, 64, 64) },
  {"grey25"             , PALETTERGB (64, 64, 64) },
  {"gray26"             , PALETTERGB (66, 66, 66) },
  {"grey26"             , PALETTERGB (66, 66, 66) },
  {"gray27"             , PALETTERGB (69, 69, 69) },
  {"grey27"             , PALETTERGB (69, 69, 69) },
  {"gray28"             , PALETTERGB (71, 71, 71) },
  {"grey28"             , PALETTERGB (71, 71, 71) },
  {"gray29"             , PALETTERGB (74, 74, 74) },
  {"grey29"             , PALETTERGB (74, 74, 74) },
  {"gray30"             , PALETTERGB (77, 77, 77) },
  {"grey30"             , PALETTERGB (77, 77, 77) },
  {"gray31"             , PALETTERGB (79, 79, 79) },
  {"grey31"             , PALETTERGB (79, 79, 79) },
  {"gray32"             , PALETTERGB (82, 82, 82) },
  {"grey32"             , PALETTERGB (82, 82, 82) },
  {"gray33"             , PALETTERGB (84, 84, 84) },
  {"grey33"             , PALETTERGB (84, 84, 84) },
  {"gray34"             , PALETTERGB (87, 87, 87) },
  {"grey34"             , PALETTERGB (87, 87, 87) },
  {"gray35"             , PALETTERGB (89, 89, 89) },
  {"grey35"             , PALETTERGB (89, 89, 89) },
  {"gray36"             , PALETTERGB (92, 92, 92) },
  {"grey36"             , PALETTERGB (92, 92, 92) },
  {"gray37"             , PALETTERGB (94, 94, 94) },
  {"grey37"             , PALETTERGB (94, 94, 94) },
  {"gray38"             , PALETTERGB (97, 97, 97) },
  {"grey38"             , PALETTERGB (97, 97, 97) },
  {"gray39"             , PALETTERGB (99, 99, 99) },
  {"grey39"             , PALETTERGB (99, 99, 99) },
  {"gray40"             , PALETTERGB (102, 102, 102) },
  {"grey40"             , PALETTERGB (102, 102, 102) },
  {"gray41"             , PALETTERGB (105, 105, 105) },
  {"grey41"             , PALETTERGB (105, 105, 105) },
  {"gray42"             , PALETTERGB (107, 107, 107) },
  {"grey42"             , PALETTERGB (107, 107, 107) },
  {"gray43"             , PALETTERGB (110, 110, 110) },
  {"grey43"             , PALETTERGB (110, 110, 110) },
  {"gray44"             , PALETTERGB (112, 112, 112) },
  {"grey44"             , PALETTERGB (112, 112, 112) },
  {"gray45"             , PALETTERGB (115, 115, 115) },
  {"grey45"             , PALETTERGB (115, 115, 115) },
  {"gray46"             , PALETTERGB (117, 117, 117) },
  {"grey46"             , PALETTERGB (117, 117, 117) },
  {"gray47"             , PALETTERGB (120, 120, 120) },
  {"grey47"             , PALETTERGB (120, 120, 120) },
  {"gray48"             , PALETTERGB (122, 122, 122) },
  {"grey48"             , PALETTERGB (122, 122, 122) },
  {"gray49"             , PALETTERGB (125, 125, 125) },
  {"grey49"             , PALETTERGB (125, 125, 125) },
  {"gray50"             , PALETTERGB (128, 128, 128) }, /* Adjusted */
  {"grey50"             , PALETTERGB (128, 128, 128) }, /* Adjusted */
  {"gray51"             , PALETTERGB (130, 130, 130) },
  {"grey51"             , PALETTERGB (130, 130, 130) },
  {"gray52"             , PALETTERGB (133, 133, 133) },
  {"grey52"             , PALETTERGB (133, 133, 133) },
  {"gray53"             , PALETTERGB (135, 135, 135) },
  {"grey53"             , PALETTERGB (135, 135, 135) },
  {"gray54"             , PALETTERGB (138, 138, 138) },
  {"grey54"             , PALETTERGB (138, 138, 138) },
  {"gray55"             , PALETTERGB (140, 140, 140) },
  {"grey55"             , PALETTERGB (140, 140, 140) },
  {"gray56"             , PALETTERGB (143, 143, 143) },
  {"grey56"             , PALETTERGB (143, 143, 143) },
  {"gray57"             , PALETTERGB (145, 145, 145) },
  {"grey57"             , PALETTERGB (145, 145, 145) },
  {"gray58"             , PALETTERGB (148, 148, 148) },
  {"grey58"             , PALETTERGB (148, 148, 148) },
  {"gray59"             , PALETTERGB (150, 150, 150) },
  {"grey59"             , PALETTERGB (150, 150, 150) },
  {"gray60"             , PALETTERGB (153, 153, 153) },
  {"grey60"             , PALETTERGB (153, 153, 153) },
  {"gray61"             , PALETTERGB (156, 156, 156) },
  {"grey61"             , PALETTERGB (156, 156, 156) },
  {"gray62"             , PALETTERGB (158, 158, 158) },
  {"grey62"             , PALETTERGB (158, 158, 158) },
  {"gray63"             , PALETTERGB (161, 161, 161) },
  {"grey63"             , PALETTERGB (161, 161, 161) },
  {"gray64"             , PALETTERGB (163, 163, 163) },
  {"grey64"             , PALETTERGB (163, 163, 163) },
  {"gray65"             , PALETTERGB (166, 166, 166) },
  {"grey65"             , PALETTERGB (166, 166, 166) },
  {"gray66"             , PALETTERGB (168, 168, 168) },
  {"grey66"             , PALETTERGB (168, 168, 168) },
  {"gray67"             , PALETTERGB (171, 171, 171) },
  {"grey67"             , PALETTERGB (171, 171, 171) },
  {"gray68"             , PALETTERGB (173, 173, 173) },
  {"grey68"             , PALETTERGB (173, 173, 173) },
  {"gray69"             , PALETTERGB (176, 176, 176) },
  {"grey69"             , PALETTERGB (176, 176, 176) },
  {"gray70"             , PALETTERGB (179, 179, 179) },
  {"grey70"             , PALETTERGB (179, 179, 179) },
  {"gray71"             , PALETTERGB (181, 181, 181) },
  {"grey71"             , PALETTERGB (181, 181, 181) },
  {"gray72"             , PALETTERGB (184, 184, 184) },
  {"grey72"             , PALETTERGB (184, 184, 184) },
  {"gray73"             , PALETTERGB (186, 186, 186) },
  {"grey73"             , PALETTERGB (186, 186, 186) },
  {"gray74"             , PALETTERGB (189, 189, 189) },
  {"grey74"             , PALETTERGB (189, 189, 189) },
  {"gray75"             , PALETTERGB (192, 192, 192) }, /* Adjusted */
  {"grey75"             , PALETTERGB (192, 192, 192) }, /* Adjusted */
  {"gray76"             , PALETTERGB (194, 194, 194) },
  {"grey76"             , PALETTERGB (194, 194, 194) },
  {"gray77"             , PALETTERGB (196, 196, 196) },
  {"grey77"             , PALETTERGB (196, 196, 196) },
  {"gray78"             , PALETTERGB (199, 199, 199) },
  {"grey78"             , PALETTERGB (199, 199, 199) },
  {"gray79"             , PALETTERGB (201, 201, 201) },
  {"grey79"             , PALETTERGB (201, 201, 201) },
  {"gray80"             , PALETTERGB (204, 204, 204) },
  {"grey80"             , PALETTERGB (204, 204, 204) },
  {"gray81"             , PALETTERGB (207, 207, 207) },
  {"grey81"             , PALETTERGB (207, 207, 207) },
  {"gray82"             , PALETTERGB (209, 209, 209) },
  {"grey82"             , PALETTERGB (209, 209, 209) },
  {"gray83"             , PALETTERGB (212, 212, 212) },
  {"grey83"             , PALETTERGB (212, 212, 212) },
  {"gray84"             , PALETTERGB (214, 214, 214) },
  {"grey84"             , PALETTERGB (214, 214, 214) },
  {"gray85"             , PALETTERGB (217, 217, 217) },
  {"grey85"             , PALETTERGB (217, 217, 217) },
  {"gray86"             , PALETTERGB (219, 219, 219) },
  {"grey86"             , PALETTERGB (219, 219, 219) },
  {"gray87"             , PALETTERGB (222, 222, 222) },
  {"grey87"             , PALETTERGB (222, 222, 222) },
  {"gray88"             , PALETTERGB (224, 224, 224) },
  {"grey88"             , PALETTERGB (224, 224, 224) },
  {"gray89"             , PALETTERGB (227, 227, 227) },
  {"grey89"             , PALETTERGB (227, 227, 227) },
  {"gray90"             , PALETTERGB (229, 229, 229) },
  {"grey90"             , PALETTERGB (229, 229, 229) },
  {"gray91"             , PALETTERGB (232, 232, 232) },
  {"grey91"             , PALETTERGB (232, 232, 232) },
  {"gray92"             , PALETTERGB (235, 235, 235) },
  {"grey92"             , PALETTERGB (235, 235, 235) },
  {"gray93"             , PALETTERGB (237, 237, 237) },
  {"grey93"             , PALETTERGB (237, 237, 237) },
  {"gray94"             , PALETTERGB (240, 240, 240) },
  {"grey94"             , PALETTERGB (240, 240, 240) },
  {"gray95"             , PALETTERGB (242, 242, 242) },
  {"grey95"             , PALETTERGB (242, 242, 242) },
  {"gray96"             , PALETTERGB (245, 245, 245) },
  {"grey96"             , PALETTERGB (245, 245, 245) },
  {"gray97"             , PALETTERGB (247, 247, 247) },
  {"grey97"             , PALETTERGB (247, 247, 247) },
  {"gray98"             , PALETTERGB (250, 250, 250) },
  {"grey98"             , PALETTERGB (250, 250, 250) },
  {"gray99"             , PALETTERGB (252, 252, 252) },
  {"grey99"             , PALETTERGB (252, 252, 252) },
  {"gray100"            , PALETTERGB (255, 255, 255) },
  {"grey100"            , PALETTERGB (255, 255, 255) },
  {"DarkGrey"           , PALETTERGB (169, 169, 169) },
  {"DarkGray"           , PALETTERGB (169, 169, 169) },
  {"DarkBlue"           , PALETTERGB (0, 0, 128) },     /* Adjusted == Navy */
  {"DarkCyan"           , PALETTERGB (0, 128, 128) },   /* Adjusted */
  {"DarkMagenta"        , PALETTERGB (128, 0, 128) },   /* Adjusted */
  {"DarkRed"            , PALETTERGB (128, 0, 0) },     /* Adjusted */
  {"LightGreen"         , PALETTERGB (144, 238, 144) },
  /* Added to match values in the default Windows palette: */
  {"DarkYellow"         , PALETTERGB (128, 128, 0) },
  {"PaleYellow"         , PALETTERGB (255, 255, 128) }

/*                               helpers                                */

static int
hexval (char c)
  /* assumes ASCII and isxdigit (c) */
  if (c >= 'a')
    return c - 'a' + 10;
  else if (c >= 'A')
    return c - 'A' + 10;
    return c - '0';

mswindows_string_to_color (const char *name)
  int i;

  if (*name == '#')
      /* numeric names look like "#RRGGBB", "#RRRGGGBBB" or "#RRRRGGGGBBBB"
         or "rgb:rrrr/gggg/bbbb" */
      unsigned int r, g, b;

      for (i = 1; i < strlen (name); i++)
          if (!isxdigit ((int) name[i]))
            return (COLORREF) -1;
      if (strlen (name) == 7)
          r = hexval (name[1]) * 16 + hexval (name[2]);
          g = hexval (name[3]) * 16 + hexval (name[4]);
          b = hexval (name[5]) * 16 + hexval (name[6]);
          return (PALETTERGB (r, g, b));
      else if (strlen (name) == 10)
          r = hexval (name[1]) * 16 + hexval (name[2]);
          g = hexval (name[4]) * 16 + hexval (name[5]);
          b = hexval (name[7]) * 16 + hexval (name[8]);
          return (PALETTERGB (r, g, b));
      else if (strlen (name) == 13)
          r = hexval (name[1]) * 16 + hexval (name[2]);
          g = hexval (name[5]) * 16 + hexval (name[6]);
          b = hexval (name[9]) * 16 + hexval (name[10]);
          return (PALETTERGB (r, g, b));
  else if (!strncmp (name, "rgb:", 4))
      unsigned int r, g, b;

      if (sscanf ((const char *) name, "rgb:%04x/%04x/%04x", &r, &g, &b) == 3)
          int len = strlen (name);
          if (len == 18)
              r /= 257;
              g /= 257;
              b /= 257;
          else if (len == 15)
              r /= 17;
              g /= 17;
              b /= 17;
          return (PALETTERGB (r, g, b));
        return (COLORREF) -1;
  else if (*name)       /* Can't be an empty string */
      char *nospaces = (char*)malloc(strlen (name) + 1);
      char *c = nospaces;
      while (*name)
        if (*name != ' ')
          *c++ = *name++;
      *c = '\0';

      for (i = 0; i < sizeof (mswindows_X_color_map) / sizeof(colormap_t); i++)
        if (!strcasecmp (nospaces, mswindows_X_color_map[i].name))
            free (nospaces);
            return (mswindows_X_color_map[i].colorref);
      free (nospaces);
  return (COLORREF) -1;

/* =============================================================
 * End of helper functions taken from XEmacs objects-msw.c
 * =============================================================

(cd ${incdir}; 
  rm -f simx.h xpm.h || /bin/true

(cd ${libdir};
  rm -f libXpm.dll.a libXpm.a || /bin/true

This package provides a library for accessing xpm graphics files -- but
without requiring the X11 libraries to do so.  Therefore, the display
routines are not available, but the decoding routines are.  See the
Motivation section for more information.

Canonical homepage:

Canonical download:


To link this library with your projects:

NonX-based, dynamic (/usr/lib/noX/libXpm.dll.a, /usr/bin/cygXpm-noX-4.dll)
  #1) linked code MAY require an Xserver if other code makes X 
      calls. libXpm-noX does not make any X calls, but if you try
      to use this library, AND regular X libraries, expect...problems. 
  #2) include Xpm.h in your client code
  #3) make sure the special noX directories are included in
      your search paths: -I/usr/include/noX/ and -L/usr/lib/noX
  #4) use -DXPM_NO_X when compiling client code
  #5) note that "XPM_NO_X" is equivalent to the old flag "FOR_MSW";
      defining either flag will cause the other to be defined as well
      -- this helps with packages that already know about "FOR_MSW"
  #6) link using '-L/usr/lib/noX -lXpm -lgdi32 -luser32'
   pkg-config --cflags xpm-nox 
   pkg-config --libs xpm-nox 
will do the right thing.

NonX-based, static (/usr/lib/noX/libXpm.a)
  #1) linked code MAY require an Xserver if other code makes X 
      calls. libXpm-noX does not make any X calls, but again, if you
      try to use this library, AND regular X libraries, expect...
  #2) include Xpm.h in your client code
  #3) make sure the special noX directories are included in
      your search paths: -I/usr/include/noX/ and -L/usr/lib/noX
  #4) use -DXPM_NO_X when compiling client code
  #5) note that "XPM_NO_X" is equivalent to the old flag, "FOR_MSW";
      defining either flag will cause the other to be defined, as well
      -- this helps with packages that already know about "FOR_MSW"
  #6a) use 'gcc -static' to link
  #6b) also specify '-L/usr/lib/noX -lXpm -lgdi32 -luser32' when linking
  #6c) alternatively, use:
          gcc -L/usr/lib/noX -Wl,-Bstatic -lXpm -Wl,-Bdynamic -lgdi32 -luser32
       when linking.
  #8) The binary produced *may* have some dynamic dependencies; the 
      OTHER X libraries are only available as dynamic libs, so if 
      your program makes *other* X11 calls then it will depend on
      those, and of course there's cygwin1.dll.
   pkg-config --static --cflags xpm-nox
   pkg-config --static --libs xpm-nox 
will do the right thing (assuming you follow step #6a above).



Why this library?  Doesn't cygwin already provide the X libraries as part
of the distribution? Doesn't that include libXpm.dll?

  Well, yes.  But, this package provides a version of libXpm that does
  NOT require an Xserver.  This is particularly useful if all you want
  are the routines to load and process xpm images but do not want to
  necessarily use X-based code to display those images.  This is used,
  for instance, by Cygwin's emacs-w32 package, which uses the
  MSWindows display code rather than the X display code.

  Note that this package provides ONLY the non-X version of the Xpm
  library.  The X-based version is available in the libXpm (libXpm-devel,
  libXpm4) packages that are also part of the cygwin distribution.  Both
  may be installed at the same time without conflict.

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