On 11/22/2017 11:42 AM, Brian Inglis wrote:
On 2017-11-20 15:59, Ken Brown wrote:
On 11/20/2017 4:30 PM, Brian Inglis wrote:
On 2017-11-17 06:53, Jon Turney wrote:
On 11/17/2017 8:48 AM, Ken Brown wrote:
On 15/11/2017 21:35, Brian Inglis wrote:
The issue of recognizing a URL that's already in the list is not fixed. Here's
what I tried:

I ran setup with the last mirror (as stored in /etc/setup/setup.rc) being
http://mirrors.kernel.org/sourceware/cygwin/.  The resulting mirror list display
contained the following, highlighted:

   Org - Kernel - http://mirrors.kernel.org

So setup didn't recognize that http://mirrors.kernel.org/sourceware/cygwin/ was
already in the list, displayed as

   United States - California - http://mirrors.kernel.org

Should have been working so I added more LOG_BABBLE and it looks like setup.rc
is processed at the start as you would expect, but it is merged into empty site
lists, as mirrors.lst is downloaded only after you say you can, and proxy
settings, in a separate download thread: see attached.
And do you know where the cached list comes from - that seems to keep old
mirrors around from testing, but I can't find any cached list with the test
mirrors appearing in the list - I would expect that to come from setup.rc - but
appears to be loaded when mirrors.lst is.
So we need to defer adding the last mirror with some kind of lazy evaluation
hooked after cached mirrors and/or mirrors.lst is available.
If we have a setup.rc, I would expect the cached mirrors site list loaded from
there at startup, before the last mirror is merged (and found!).
Can make those changes but would like ny assumptions questioned, corrected, or

I'm not aware of any place previously used sites could come from other than setup.rc. Are you sure your test mirrors aren't listed there?

The fact that mirrors.lst is merged into all_site_list after the last-mirror list shouldn't prevent a site in mirrors.lst from replacing one with the same URL. load_site_list() tries to do exactly that. I think the problem is that 'find (theSites.begin(), theSites.end(), newsite)' is using an operator== based on the key instead of the URL. Changing that as you suggested in a different message might fix the problem, but I haven't thought about whether it could cause problems elsewhere.


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