On 12/5/2017 9:32 AM, Jon Turney wrote:
It seems we're missing something to actually apply the default solution, so "accept default solutions" makes no changes, at the moment. (looks like we have to do this ourselves with solver_take_solution() ?)

I've just looked at this again, and I'm not sure what's happening.

Here's what I tried: I had two installed packages A and B, where A requires B. I tried to uninstall B and got the expected problem report telling me that A requires B. The solutions presented were

1. Uninstall A.
2. Don't uninstall B.

On the surface, it would seem that libsolv chose 2 by default, because it returned an empty transaction list. This was reflected in the log and was also clear when I selected 'Back'.

On the other hand, maybe libsolv's default was to do nothing, and it's just a coincidence that this coincided with solution 2. This could have tricked me into thinking that libsolv chose a default solution.

Also, in the dependency problem report, we should identify which of the possible solutions is the default one, so it's clearer what "accept default solutions" is going to do.

Is there in fact a default solution? I skimmed through problems.c in the libsolv sources, and I didn't see any mention of a default solution.

Maybe we have to deal with this situation ourselves. Whenever a problem involves a missing dependency, we could choose as default solution the one that installs/keeps the dependent package, as is currently done.


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