Corinna Vinschen writes:
> What exactly doesn't work?  If it's the ownership of the dirs and
> files, chown will do the trick, no?

Well, the whole Cygwin directory is owned by an administrative domain
account, so unless I can tell sshd that this account is the equivalent
of root it will always complain about some directory up the chain.

> No, so far it's a special feature for AIX and HP/UX only.  On these
> platforms certain dirs and files are owned by the bin user with uid 2.

I've figured the same reading the comments.

> The problem on Cygwin is that we don't have a fixed uid owning the
> entire system paths.

One system path is enough, so I'd rather have a way to configure some
directory tree to be treated like the user's home (i.e. check the
directory permissions only up to some certain point).

> It always depends on the account used to create the system dirs, which
> can vary from installation to installation.  What you could do is
> adding a passwd entry with uid 0 for the account installing Cygwin and
> make sure that the files are always owned by this account (chown).

I'd rather avoid messing with the uid since I'd want that to show up
correctly in other places if possible.  But that would at least be
something I can try without recompiling sshd or anything else.

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