On 03/08/2018 21:56, Michael Wild wrote:

I just tried to upload my new packages. The new python-bcrypt and
python-nacl went through, but the updated python-paramiko gives me below
error. Could it be because the existing version is not noarch? Calm sends
me below message.

Yes, that is the reason, and unfortunately it is a manual process to change that at the moment.

I made that change and set this upload to be retried. Sorry for the inconvenience.

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: <cygwin-no-reply-rdbxbdvo6bxqt0dzr+a...@public.gmane.org>
Date: Fri, Aug 3, 2018 at 10:50 PM
Subject: calm: cygwin package upload report from sourceware.org for Michael
To: <themiwi-re5jqeeqqe8avxtiumw...@public.gmane.org>

ERROR: package 'python-paramiko' is at paths x86/release/python-paramiko
and noarch/release/python-paramiko
ERROR: error while merging uploaded x86 packages for Michael Wild

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