> It seems that the advice I gave was wrong, and that '-override.hint' 
> works, but an empty 'override.hint' is (silently) considered invalid 
> (because it uses the same parser as other .hint files, which aren't 
> expected to be empty)
> I've added some output so this failure isn't hidden, and added an item 
> to improve the hint parser to my calm backlog.
> I renamed 'override.hint' to '-override.hint' and set the upload to 
> retried, which seems to have succeeded.

OK, thanks. I did try using -override.hint with x86, but thought it had
failed because of some residual complaints about the old versions that came
back from calm.

Anyway, lftp seems to be back on a regular release course now so I hope I'm
done with override.hint for a while.


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