Achim Gratz writes:
> Perl version 5.30.1 was just released.  I will have an unexpected
> timeslot available at the beginning of next week that I plan to use to
> update Perl for Cygwin.  This of course means all Perl distribution
> packages and any other packages that install into the Perl module
> directories will need to be updated.

Besides some maintainers being busy with other stuff (esp. Yaakov) or
having not yet responded, it looks that this update may have hit another

There's a bug in perl-5.30 that hits only embedded Perl and only in
certain circumstances.  Reverting the corresponding commit appears to
work, but makes the resulting Perl binary incompatible (i.e. all XS
modules and embedded Perls would need to be built again).  I can build a
new Perl relatively quickly now, so I could do that over the weekend,
but I wouldn't necessarily want to release that directly.

So it appears likely that the update shifts to the beginning of next
year (which probably means early February rather than mid-to-end

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