Am 20.03. um 09:13 schrieb Hamish McIntyre-Bhatty via Cygwin-apps:
If no one objects, I'd be happy to become a maintainer for the wxPython
and ddrescue packages. There are probably others I could pick up as
well, but I figure it's best to start small.

I'm not sure if there's a process for becoming a maintainer, but as a
result of my using Cygwin on and off for a few years, I think I have a
reasonably good idea of how it works, so I'd be happy to help. Cygwin is
a great project and has been very useful for me and many other people.


Hi Hamish,
bottom post on cygwin list, please.

I suggest you to read the
and start looking at the source of the cygwin packages
you would like to adopt as easy way to take over.
Most of the time it is just a matter of changing the package version
and download the upstream source and build it.
If you have problem feel free to ask here.

When your package is ready, just send a ITA (intention to adopt)
instead of a ITP (intention to package) and some of the
other maintainers will review your package.
After GTG (good to go) we will put your name on

and you can upload the package.


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