On Sun, Nov 01, 2020 at 05:13:37PM -0500, Glenn Strauss wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 30, 2020 at 01:01:01PM -0600, Brian Inglis wrote:
> > On 2020-10-30 07:05, Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-apps wrote:
> > > On 30.10.2020 10:04, Glenn Strauss wrote:
> > >> lighttpd developer (me) would like to adopt the lighttpd package in
> > >> cygwin.
> > >>
> > >> lighttpd 1.4.55 was released in Jan.  A request to package was sent to
> > >> the cygwin list in March.  Still no lighttpd 1.4.55 in cygwin. :(
> > >>
> > >> I am preparing to release lighttpd-1.4.56, a major release with support
> > >> for HTTP/2, and figured getting lighttpd-1.4.55 into cygwin would be a
> > >> good start for a new cygwin package maintainer.  lighttpd-1.4.55 has
> > >> proven to be a stable release.
> > 
> > > can you share the proposed packages somewhere ?
> > > Just a formality to verify the package meets the cygwin standards
> > > I assume you used Yaakov's cygport as base.
> > 
> > The previous maintainer cygport is in the Cygwin source package, which you 
> > can
> > install using the Cygwin Setup program, or download
> > .../x86{,_64}/release/lighttpd/lighttpd-1.4.54-1-src.tar.xz from any Cygwin
> > mirror, and also in the online repo used by appveyor CI:
> > https://cygwin.com/git-cygwin-packages/?p=git/cygwin-packages/lighttpd.git
> > 
> > Please just copy the contents of your updated lighttpd.cygport and the 
> > cygport
> > generated directory hierarchies lighttpd-1.4.55-1.{x86_64,i686}/dist/ onto
> > online shared storage somewhere with access via link(s) posted here.
> lighttpd-1.4.55 package produced by cygport:
> https://www.gluelogic.com/cygport/lighttpd.patch
>   (patch to lighttpd.cygport)
> https://www.gluelogic.com/cygport/lighttpd/
>   (cygport dist/)
> Future looking for lighttpd-1.4.56:
> lighttpd is a modular web server.  However, the current lighttpd.cygport
> lumps *everything* together into a single package, with dependencies for
> all modules.  It appears the same was done for nginx.  At least Apache
> httpd.cygport has multiple packages.  I plan to do something similar for
> lighttpd-1.4.56, as lighttpd-1.4.56 adds multiple options for TLS
> libraries, and a single lighttpd package should not depend on many
> different TLS libraries available under Cygwin.  While lighttpd "could"
> do so, I would rather not do so for those for whom disk space matters.
> Question: what is the recommended approach to deploying such a change?
> The lighttpd base package will still contain all modules for typical
> usage of lighttpd.  However, if an end-user is using mod_openssl and
> TLS modules are separated into separate packages, then the additional
> package would need to be installed.
> On Debian, this transition is occurring by having the Debian lighttpd
> package "Recommends" lighttpd-mod-openssl, and apt/dpkg will install
> the openssl module for typical upgrades which accept "Recommends".
> Is there any similar mechanism on Cygwin?
> Cheers, Glenn




Cheers, Glenn

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