
I'm trying to build libexif and exif, and I need help.

exif is troublesome:

  i686 build failed on my local machine,
  while it's successfully built on AppVeyor CI.

(1) It's successfully built on AppVeryor CI for both of x86_64 and i686:
    ( ID 1550: https://ci.appveyor.com/project/cygwin/scallywag/builds/37055047 
    and on my local machine.

(2) For x86_64, it's built successfully on my local machine,
    but, for i686, it's failed on local machine.

I've reinstalled cygwin32 and tried again, but the results are same.

The cygport file and a related patch is here:
  or https://github.com/cygwin-lem/exif-cygport/tree/n_0.6.22-1

compile.log for i686 on my machine, and /etc/setup/intalled.db
are attached to this mail.

> libtool:   error: cannot find the library '/usr/lib/libintl.la' or unhandled 
> argument '/usr/lib/libintl.la'

It seems that libtool might go wrong.
But I don't know how to resolve it.



  libexif is now prepared, as AppVeyor CI has successfully built it
  ( ID 1549: https://ci.appveyor.com/project/cygwin/scallywag/builds/37054930 ),
  and on my local machine.

Attachment: exif-0.6.22-1-compile.log
Description: Binary data

Attachment: installed.db
Description: Binary data

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