On 10.02.2021 09:40, Adam Dinwoodie wrote:
Asciidoc is currently both orphaned and bugged, per my email to the
main list. I've got the latest upstream release building, confirmed it
resolves my Python versioning issues with the Git builds, and can
upload as soon as I get the GTG.

New packaging source: https://github.com/me-and/Cygwin-AsciiDoc/tree/next

Build log: https://github.com/me-and/Cygwin-AsciiDoc/actions/runs/552677569

Full build output:

Packages and hint files: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AhKYM5BNTYlAhaFH5xlHfnOZLWik1g

forgot to pack something ?

$ cygport asciidoc.cygport all
/pub/tmp/asciidoc-9.0.5-1.src/asciidoc.cygport: line 17: build-requires.txt: No such file or directory


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