On Tue, 23 Feb 2021 22:03:33 +0100, Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-apps
> as tidy is one of the package suggested for lilypod, I am planning
> to adopt it and updated
> However as the version went
> from  tidy-20090325.tar.bz2
> to    tidy-html5-5.6.0.tar.gz
> I do not see an easy way for managing the different version scheme.
> Making a new package tidy-html5 that obsoletes the old tidy
> should work, but I am not sure that setup will manage
> correctly, so a check is appreciated.
> http://matzeri.altervista.org/x86_64/release/tidy-html5/
> http://matzeri.altervista.org/x86/release/tidy-html5/


For me, setup_x86* have proceeded successfully.
Uninstall libtidy-devel 20090325-1
Uninstall tidy 20090325-1
Install libtidy-html5-devel 5.6.0-1
Install libtidy-html5_5 5.6.0-1
Install tidy-html5 5.6.0-1

But, homepage info has a typo,
which should be https://github.com/htacg/tidy-html5

category: Text
build-depends: cygport 
sdesc: "HTML pretty printer"
ldesc: "Dave Raggett's excellent HTML Tidy program, with additional
patches and refactored into a free-standing C library."

homepage: hhttps://github.com/htacg/tidy-html


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