On 01.06.2021 07:36, Brian Inglis wrote:
On 2021-04-11 23:52, ASSI wrote:
Brian Inglis writes:
On 2021-04-11 13:44, Achim Gratz wrote:
Brian Inglis writes:

I would like to, but do not know how else to easily install unpackaged
prereqs for a build.

You don't. You package them or request them to get packaged, then use
the installed package.

What's required to package App::XML::DocBook::Builder, is there a good
package to use as a template, and are there any special considerations
for perl packages?

In this particular case seemingly that does nothing but build a
Makefile, so I'd rather try to figure out a way to live without it. And
yes, there are special considerations for Perl packages, given that some
patches for getting the correct dependencies in have not yet made it
into the official cygport.

I would like to propose to package perl-App-XML-DocBook-Builder as it is a prerequisite for building the docs for the new upstream fortune-mod.
It is packaged on Mageia and PCLinuxOS distributions:


The usual sources and binaries are available on Google drive:

perl-App-XML-DocBook-Builder    0.1003


Feedback on how to set the proper BUILD_/REQUIRES welcome.

the Perl expert is Achim

I would like to adopt fortune-mod to get it updated as I run it daily:

fortune-mod    last 1.99.1 -> proposed 3.6

both perl-App-XML-DocBook-Builder and fortune-mod are yours


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