Hi Jon,

Jon Turney wrote:
On 07/09/2021 04:46, Mark Geisert wrote:
Something's likely changed in the 4 years since I last did this :-).

..or something allegedly similar to this...  too much code under the bridge...

$ git push
fatal: remote error: service not enabled: /git/cygwin-cygutils.git

$ cat .git/config
         # blah elided
[remote "origin"]
         url = git://sourceware.org/git/cygwin-cygutils.git
         fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
[branch "master"]
         remote = origin
         merge = refs/heads/master

So, to answer the question actually asked:

* While there have been some changes, this specific URL still works. (However, the published path nowadays is /git/cygwin-apps/cygutils.git)

* We've never supported pushing using the git:// protocol (since this protocol doesn't do any authorization, pushes with a it are very rarely enabled)

OK, makes sense.

* So you perhaps explicitly did a "git push ssh://usern...@cygwin.com/git/cygwin-apps/cygutils.git" last time you pushed changes?

That seems pretty likely in retrospect, or @sourceware.org, same IP address.

* Since git supports configuring a separate push url, I'd suggest something 

git clone git://cygwin.com/git/cygwin-apps/cygutils.git
git remote set-url origin --push ssh://usern...@cygwin.com/git/cygwin-apps/cygutils.git

I find this convenient (especially when working with remote repositories to which other people will push changes), since it lets you pull without authenticating, but still push with appropriate authentication.

I've amended https://sourceware.org/cygwin-apps/ to include that suggestion and hopefully clarify things.

Thank you for the advice and for updating the web docs. I'll be trying the push again shortly and will respond with any issues.


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