Achim Gratz writes:
> I have updated the recently released Cygwin packages with all upstream
> patches from Fedora plus the patches for all CVE affecting version 1.0.2
> since the last official version and changed the cygport files so they
> build on AppVeyor.  The packages have been pushed to the respective
> playground branches:

I've just updated the playground branches with the respective MinGW64
OpenSSL packages integrated (I needed to drop two patches from Fedora
for OpernSSL 1.0 because they were using an API not available on

> I have not yet looked at the MingW64 libraries and I will not have time
> next week to do any further work.  I might do an ITA later on when I
> have everything completed.  I'd appreciate if someone would take a look
> and test these builds in the meantime.

So it turns out that there weren't any OpenSSL 1.1 packages for MinGW64
existing and so the OpenSSL 1.0 packages are still named *-openssl
instead of *-openssl10.  I haven't yet tried to build the 1.1 versdion
for MinGW64, but I'd tend to do the rename first and then clobber the
*-openssl name for the newer version.  How was that handled for the
Cygwin packages?

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