Hi folks,

I've been using exiftool for some years, not just to view, set, and edit JPEG metadata, especially historical family photos, but also extract metadata from other media, including PDFs, epubs, DLLs, and exes.

Recent discussion of cygwin1.dll missing metadata prompted me to look at the utility again and I was surprised to find I have been using a Windows package, and no Cygwin package is available.

So I would like to remedy that omission by providing a Cygwin package of the perl module and the command line utility, as available on Arch, Debian, Fedora, Free & Net BSD, OpenSuSE, and derivatives:


This perl module is not built from CPAN as that is 5 releases out of date 12.30 from the repo release 12.35.

The cygport and tarballs are available online at:


The existing Cygwin exif package appears to handle only photos and is outdated (2012) so may not handle newer feature tags and may even remove some if changes are made, as some files only produce the message:

Corrupt data
The data provided does not follow the specification.
ExifLoader: The data supplied does not seem to contain EXIF data.

which halts operation on other files on the command line, whereas exiftool has no problems with any files, as expected with files following the common image metadata specs.

Many countries scan Internet images to collect metadata related to images of persons and at places of interest. These utilities can safely remove or edit metadata to protect privacy and security, if you have not disabled collection of such metadata on your devices.

Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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