On Jan 13 15:13, Jon Turney wrote:
> Show a MessageBox warning if we are running on a Windows version which
> we have deprecated Cygwin support for:
> - Windows 6.0 (Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008)
> - 32-bit Windows
> This warning can be disabled with '--allow-unsupported-windows'.
> ---
> Notes:
>     Not sure if this is needed, or maybe this is just annoying to the ~3% of
>     users who are running effected OSes.  But maybe we want to annoy them
>     into doing something about it?

Question is, how often should setup show this message?  Every time might
really be a bit annoying.  Some kind of "I saw it, now leave me alone,
at least for a while" kind of function would be great.

Other than that, for people not visiting the home page or subscribing
to the mailing lists that may turn out to be an important info, so I'm
for it.


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