On 20/01/2022 15:50, Hamish McIntyre-Bhatty wrote:
Hi there,

Recently, I created a test package for python-imaging, and the CI system gave a build error that I didn't see locally:

*** ERROR: unknown wheel filename.

This only occurred for the Python 3.8 build (3.6 and 3.7 are unaffected). Considering some of the library name changes between these versions, is it possible that this is a bug in the CI tool setup or in cygport?


I assume it's this job: https://github.com/cygwin/scallywag/actions/runs/1592256829

In which case further note it only failed with this error on i686, x86_64 seems to have built ok. That might explain why you don't see it locally, at least, but it's still puzzling that there's a difference.

This error comes from here:


and means something more like "couldn't find the wheel file for python $ver"

I downloaded the builddir archive, and inspecting that it seems that a wheel for python3.8 (and 3.9!) isn't being generated.

$ tar -tf builddir.tar.xz | grep whl

There seems to be completely different output between x86_64 and i686 when building the python wheel, but I have no idea why!

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