On 20/01/2022 14:33, Jon Turney wrote:

To try to avoid packages lingering in the 'test' status indefinitely (which leads to them not being installed by most users, as they don't run setup with 'consider test packages' enabled, thus these packages generally aren't getting used, so having them isn't generating much value), I'm planning to change how calm expires packages:

Currently (in the absence of configuration otherwise [1]), calm will retain up to 3 non-test versions, and 3 test versions, and expire all other versions.

I plan to change this to also expire test versions which are superseded by a non-test version (that is: expire test versions where a non-test version with a higher version number exists).

I believe this makes the default behaviour closer to what package maintainers are likely to want to happen.

This change has been deployed.

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