Brian Inglis writes:
> I'd like to release 1.10 which is ABI compatible, as a test release with
> libcurl4 depending on it (also mine), a lot of libraries depend on that,
> and a lot of packages depend on those; try:
>       $ cygcheck-dep -qSN libgsasl7 | less
> Release 2.0 jumps to libgsasl18, so that should probably be released as
> gsasl2/libgsasl2-{common,-devel,-doc}, and libcurl4 built and test
> released with that?
> Should the new library stay as libgsasl18 or be named libgsasl2_18?

No, at least it doesn't appear that upstream plans to support both
branches going forward.

At the moment no major distribution seems to package 2.0.1, but you can
glean what Debian is doing for their next release:

I would suggest keeping 1.10 current until at least two major distros
have switched.

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