I have uploaded mintty 3.6.2 with the following changes:

Unicode and Emoji data
  * Unicode 15.0 update.

Terminal features
  * Status line area support (VT320, xterm 371), DECSSDT, DECSASD.
  * Extended multi-line host-writable status area, DECSSDT 2 N.
  * Combined sub/superscript attributes render small script (#1171).
  * Adjusted subscript position (~#1171).
  * Alternative DEC private SGRs for sub/superscript (#1171).
  * Revamp line cursor handling, size changeable by CSI ? N c (#1157, #1175).
  * Support DECSET 117 (DECECM, VT520).
  * Added DECARR to DECRQSS.
  * Prevent font zooming for resizing controls like CSI 8.
  * Optionally visualize margins by dimming.

Keyboard handling
  * Not suppressing user-defined KeyFunctions for keypad keys in keypad modes (#1161).   * Alt+keypad-minus initiates decimal numeric input in case an Alt+numpad-digit key is assigned a user-defined function.

Mouse handling
  * Configurable modifiers for hovering and link opening (#1169).
  * Support super and hyper modifiers with mouse functions.
  * Fixed mouse pixel coordinates limits (DECSET 1016).

  * Grab focus again after showing the window, reducing focus delay for Windows 11 (#1113).

  * Option OldKeyFunctionsKeypad (~#1161, not listed in manual).
  * Option OpeningMod (#1169).
  * New user-definable function reset-noask.
  * Option DimMargins, user-definable function toggle-dim-margins.
  * Option StatusLine, user-definable function toggle-status-line.
  * Background image mode '+' for combined scaling and tiling (#1180).
  * New user-definable function transparency-opaque (#1168).

  * Fixed crash condition on user-defined commands (#1174).
  * Add confirm dialog to Reset triggered by menu or Alt+F8 (#1173).

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