On 05/02/2023 08:40, Takashi Yano via Cygwin-apps wrote:
The list of ITPs and ITAs I recently proposed, is as follows.
Sorry, there are so many, but thank you in advance.

No problem.  I'll try to give them all the attention they deserve.

AMF: for ffmpeg (new)
aom: for ffmpeg (new)
faad2 : for moc
fdk-aac-free : for ffmpeg (new)
ffmpeg : for moc (under discussion)
libopusenc : for opus-tools
mfx_dispatch : for ffmpeg (new)
nv-codec-headers : for ffmpeg (new)

I have a question about how this (and AMF I guess) works.

Are these headers which implement the whole codec? or do they expect the codec to be accessible via the driver somehow?

openh264 : for ffmpeg (new)
xvidcore : for ffmpeg

libsndfile : maintainer changed, no GTG yet
opus : maintainer changed, no GTG yet
opusfile : maintainer changed, no GTG yet
opus-tools : maintainer changed, no GTG yet
pulseaudio : (new)

SDL2 : already has GTG
mpg123 : already has GTG


I've posted some specific comments on some of these.

Please double-check that packages which contain a soversioned library include that in the package name (for reasons touched on in [1]).

If you'd like me to review any of these again, please post the just new .cygport file in a follow-up (since that will save me a little time in having to extract it)

I've updated the package list.

[1] https://cygwin.com/pipermail/cygwin-apps/2023-January/042480.html

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