On 17/02/2023 08:49, Takashi Yano via Cygwin-apps wrote:
On Thu, 16 Feb 2023 19:24:24 +0000
Jon Turney wrote:
On 14/02/2023 21:21, Takashi Yano via Cygwin-apps wrote:
On Tue, 14 Feb 2023 17:41:16 +0100
ASSI wrote:
Takashi Yano via Cygwin-apps writes:
Thanks for the advice. I have revised the cygport file.

You are getting the file and the hash from the same unprotected source.
I was thinking you should put the hash into the cygport file and hence
the postinstall script.

Also note that the system doing the postinstall will not necessarily
have internet access, so you'll need to cope with errors that will


The new cygport file attached downloads md5hash during
the packaging process and embeds it into postinstall
script. Does this make sense?


So, this looks like it works, and meets the requirements.

Is md5 the only hash available?  This is not really considered "good
enough" any more.

As a thought-experiment, consider doing it slightly differently:

package contains:
- the headers
- a data file with the version (or maybe URL) and hash
- a script which can fetch (using above data) or remove the DLL
- postinstall and preremove scripts which invoke that script appropriately

(I think this means the post/pre scripts can be static, and packaged via
$C, rather than written by the cygport itself)

What do you think of that?

Thanks for the advice!

So, how about this one?

package contains:
- the headers
- the data files with the version and hash
- postinstall and preremove scripts which fetch (using above data)
   and remove the DLL

Great, thanks. I hope this means you think this is a better approach, rather than just humouring me :)

A few minor points:

* It seems like the empty dummy archive could be made with something like just:

  tar -Jcf ${SRC_URI} --files-from /dev/null

* If the postinstall failed somehow, the preremove script will fail trying to remove a file which doesn't exist. It might be a good idea to use 'rm -f' to ensure that doesn't happen.

* I don't think you should need:

        # Install postinstall/preremove scripts
        mkdir -p ${D}/etc/postinstall  ${D}/etc/preremove
        cp ${C}/lib${NAME}.postinstall ${D}/etc/postinstall/lib${NAME}.sh
        cp ${C}/lib${NAME}.preremove ${D}/etc/preremove/lib${NAME}.sh

This should happen automatically if the files are in $C (and you can list them in CYGWIN_FILES or make them with cygwin.patch file to put them there)

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