On Mon, Mar 20, 2023 at 11:17:38PM +0000, Jon Turney via Cygwin-apps wrote:
> On 20/03/2023 22:17, Ken Brown via Cygwin-apps wrote:
> > It looks like my plan for having scallywag deploy all the TeX Live
> > packages won't work (see below).  calm would have to be more permissive
> > and allow deploying a package that requires something that will be
> > provided by a future package.
> > 
> > In this case, I made asymptote require tl_2023, which will be provided
> > by the next texlive release.  But I don't want to deploy the latter
> > until all the other packages for TeX Live 2023 have been deployed.
> > 
> > Unless this is easy to fix, I'll just forget about using scallywag and
> > go back to my old method of uploading everything manually.
> This is trivially fixable.
> calm already has a list of 'provides which don't exist (yet)', so I think I
> just need to add tl_2023 and tl_basic_2023 to that list
> Future work: make these regexes so we don't have same problem again in a
> years time.
> > 
> > Ken
> > 
> > -------- Forwarded Message --------
> > Subject: calm: cygwin package report for Ken Brown
> > Date: Mon, 20 Mar 2023 21:57:12 -0000
> > From: cygwin-no-reply-rdbxbdvo6bxqt0dzr+a...@public.gmane.org
> > Reply-To: cygwin-apps-rdbxbdvo6bxqt0dzr+a...@public.gmane.org
> > To: kbrown-hmmyxyqgl2cvc3sceru...@public.gmane.org
> > 
> > ERROR: package 'asymptote' version '2.85-1' depends: 'tl_2023', but
> > nothing satisfies that
> > ERROR: error while validating merged x86_64 packages for Ken Brown
> Maybe calm doesn't need to do this kind of check any more?
> But then people might write REQUIRES="typoed-package-name" and not notice
> until it's uninstallable, so I don't know.

It seems to me like a useful warning, whether or not it remains an
error here.  Also, it seems to me like this check could be added to
prevent packages from being released (other than to 'test') since an
uninstallable package is an uninstallable package, though circular
dependencies could then be an issue for releasing. (Yes, avoid those!)

Cheers, Glenn

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