On 14.04.2023 00:25, Ken Brown via Cygwin-apps wrote:
[This is a follow-up to https://cygwin.com/pipermail/cygwin/2023-March/253326.html, on the cygwin list.]

On 3/24/2023 11:00 AM, Ken Brown via Cygwin wrote:
On 3/22/2023 12:56 PM, Ken Brown via Cygwin wrote:
As I mentioned in the announcement of TeX Live 2023, there has been a major change in ConTeXt; see


Briefly, ConTeXt development has been moved out of TeX Live into a separate project.  Unfortunately, the maintainer of that project decided to remove Cygwin support, so I cannot easily provide a context binary. One Cygwin user of ConTeXt complained upstream, to no avail.

At some point I will probably remove the texlive-collection-context package, which is now useless.  But I am waiting to see how other distros are going to deal with this change.

If you will be greatly inconvenienced by the absence of a context binary, please let me know by replying to this message.  There may or may not be anything I can do about it.

This turned out to be simple to fix.  I will do that shortly, but first I want to finish discussing this with TeX Live maintainers for other distros.

This turns out to be a complete mess, with no uniformity among maintainers, so I'm on my own.  The simplest way for me to handle it is to package the missing binary as part of texlive-collection-context.(*) This presumably means that the latter can no longer be a noarch package.  Jon, can you (or calm) cope with a package changing from  noarch to x86_64?  Alternatively, I could make a completely new package, say texlive-context-bin, which contains only the binary, if you think that's better.

It require a manual intervenction on the repository but
we have done it in the past in both directions.


(*) It used to be contained in the texlive package, but the sources are no longer in the texlive source tree, and the build system is completely different.

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