> This is what I get for not trying these things.  I think nesting the
> substitution like that isn't valid in bash, so maybe:
> ruby_PROVIDES="ruby_${SOVERSION//./}"
> actually works?

It worked. Thank you very much.

$ cygport ruby.cygport vars ruby_PROVIDES
declare -- ruby_PROVIDES="ruby_32"

- https://github.com/cygwin/scallywag/actions/runs/4780609520/jobs/8498537391

I think I can release ruby-3.2.2-1 without applying the cygport patch,
but is there any problem if I deploy it?

(The cygport patch should not be needed until someone rebuilds the
ruby-* subpackages.)

On Sun, Apr 23, 2023 at 10:35 PM Jon Turney <jon.tur...@dronecode.org.uk> wrote:
> On 22/04/2023 13:04, Daisuke Fujimura via Cygwin-apps wrote:
> >>>>>> Are you planning to adopt also the ruby-* sub-packages ?
> >
> > I intend to do that.
> >
> >
> >>> 2. Modify cygport and release it.
> >>>       - Add code to detect dependencies on `ruby_xy`.
> >>>       - It is similar to the process for `perl5_xy0`.
> >>>           - 
> >>> https://github.com/cygwin/cygport/blob/0.36.2/lib/pkg_info.cygpart#L442
> >>>           - 
> >>> https://github.com/cygwin/cygport/blob/0.36.2/lib/pkg_info.cygpart#L639
> >>
> >> Yes.
> >>
> >> I'm not asking you to do this work though, unless you really feel like it 
> >> :)
> >
> > Please review the attached diff.
> That looks like almost exactly what's needed.
> Thank you very much for that!
> >>>       - Add `ruby_PROVIDES="ruby_${${VERSION%.*}//./}"` to ruby.cygport.
> >
> > ```
> > /tmp/cygport-ruby/ruby.cygport: line 49: ${${VERSION%.*}//./}: bad 
> > substitution
> > ```
> >
> > Is the warning being displayed because $VERSION (=3.2.2) starts with a 
> > number?
> This is what I get for not trying these things.  I think nesting the
> substitution like that isn't valid in bash, so maybe:
> ruby_PROVIDES="ruby_${SOVERSION//./}"
> actually works?

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