On 26/02/2024 19:53, Christian Franke via Cygwin-apps wrote:
Would it not make more sense to just re-export it if set?
If the cygport file decides to set but not export it, there is possibly
no need to do it. An example is smartmontools.cygport which passes the
unexported variable as a parameter to configure.
Ok, but exporting it is harmless there, right?
(so that commands like "SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH=something cygport foo" work
as expected?)
Would make no difference as the 'VAR=val CMD...' syntax already exports
the variable to the CMD:
$ unset FOO; FOO=bar sh -c 'sh -c "sh -c printenv\ FOO"'
Ah, right.
So you seem to be saying that the only situation where it's set but not
exported is where it's set in the cygport.
So we're just making people (need to remember to) explicitly write
"export SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH" in their cygport where needed?